Definitions from Wiktionary (cross-cast)
▸ verb: (accounting) To add up the separately computed totals from each column to ensure that they agree with the overall total.
▸ verb: (theater) To cast an actor of the opposite gender to play a part.
▸ Words similar to cross-cast
▸ Usage examples for cross-cast
▸ Idioms related to cross-cast
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near cross-cast
▸ Rhymes of cross-cast
▸ Invented words related to cross-cast
▸ verb: (accounting) To add up the separately computed totals from each column to ensure that they agree with the overall total.
▸ verb: (theater) To cast an actor of the opposite gender to play a part.
sum up,
add up,
tot up,
tally up,
count up,
foot up,
▸ Words similar to cross-cast
▸ Usage examples for cross-cast
▸ Idioms related to cross-cast
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near cross-cast
▸ Rhymes of cross-cast
▸ Invented words related to cross-cast