Usually means: Unit of measurement for herring.
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We found 21 dictionaries that define the word cran:

General (15 matching dictionaries)
  1. cran:
  2. cran: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. cran: Collins English Dictionary
  4. cran:
  5. Cran, cran, cran: Wordnik
  6. Cran, cran, cran-: Wiktionary
  7. Cran, cran:
  8. CRAN (R programming language), CRAN, Cran (disambiguation), Cran (unit), Cran: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  9. Cran: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  10. cran: Rhymezone
  11. Cran, cran (m): Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  12. cran: Free Dictionary
  13. cran: Mnemonic Dictionary
  14. cran: Dictionary/thesaurus
  15. cran (m): Multi-Lingual Dictionary

Art (1 matching dictionary)
  1. cran-: A Cross Reference of Latin and Greek Elements

Miscellaneous (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. CRAN: Acronym Finder
  2. AbbreviationZ (No longer online)
  3. cran: Wordcraft Dictionary

Science (1 matching dictionary)
  1. How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement (No longer online)

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. cran: Urban Dictionary

(Note: See craning as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (CRAN)

noun:  (obsolete) A measure of herrings, either imprecise or sometimes legally specified. It has oftentimes been about 37½ imperial gallons, or ~750 herrings on average (up to 1200 or even ~2500).
noun:  (obsolete, rare, by extension) A barrel made to hold such a measure.
noun:  (music) An embellishment played on the lowest note of a chanter of a bagpipe, consisting of a series of grace notes produced by rapid sequential lifting of the fingers of the lower hand.
noun:  (after a qualification) Cranfield University, used especially following post-nominal letters indicating status as a graduate.
noun:  Alternative form of qiran [A former currency of Iran (from 1825 to 1932), subdivided into 20 shahi or 1000 dinar and worth one tenth of a toman.]
noun:  (programming) Acronym of Comprehensive R Archive Network.




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