Usually means: Opposition or contrast, typically musical.
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We found 39 dictionaries that define the word contra:

General (23 matching dictionaries)
  1. contra, contra-:
  2. Contra, contra-: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. contra: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. contra-, contra-: Collins English Dictionary
  5. Contra:
  6. Contra, contra: Wordnik
  7. contra-: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. Contra, contra, contra-: Wiktionary
  9. contra, contra-: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. contra, contra-: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. contra: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. Contra-, Contra, contra, contra-:
  13. contra: Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. Contra (album), Contra (arcade game), Contra (band), Contra (card game), Contra (citation signal), Contra (disambiguation), Contra (game), Contra (guerrillas), Contra (series), Contra (video game), Contra (video game series), Contra: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  15. Contra: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  16. contra: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  17. Contra, contra, contra, contra-, contra-: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  18. contra: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  19. contra, contra-:
  20. contra: Free Dictionary
  21. contra: Mnemonic Dictionary
  22. contra, contra, contra-: Dictionary/thesaurus
  23. contra-: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

Art (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. CONTRA: Band Terms
  2. Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary (No longer online)
  3. contra-: A Cross Reference of Latin and Greek Elements

Business (8 matching dictionaries)
  1. contra: Webster's New World Law Dictionary
  2. contra: Dictionary
  3. Everybody's Legal Dictionary (No longer online)
  4. Glossary of Legal Terms (No longer online)
  5. contra:
  6. Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition (No longer online)
  7. Contra: INSOLVENCY
  8. Contra (disambiguation), contra: Legal dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Contra (disambiguation), contra: Encyclopedia

Medicine (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. online medical dictionary (No longer online)
  2. GASTROLAB Digestive Dictionary (No longer online)
  3. contra-: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (1 matching dictionary)
  1. CONTRA-: Acronym Finder

Definitions from Wiktionary (Contra)

adverb:  Contrary to something.
noun:  (business) A deal to swap goods or services.
noun:  (politics, derogatory) A conservative; originally tied to Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries.
noun:  (accounting, often attributive) An entry (or account) that cancels another entry (or account).
noun:  (music, informal) Any of the musical instruments in the contrabass range, e.g. contrabassoon, contrabass clarinet or, especially, double bass.
noun:  (dance) A contra dance.
noun:  (obsolete, US, New England, dance) A country dance.
verb:  (accounting) To undo; to reverse.
noun:  A member of any of various rightist guerrilla groups violently opposing the socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua and secretly funded by the United States government in the 1980s.






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