Definitions from Wiktionary (come along)
▸ verb: (intransitive, followed by "with") To accompany.
▸ verb: (idiomatic, intransitive) To progress; to make progress; to quicken.
▸ noun: (technical) Alternative form of come-along [(technical) A type of hand-operated winch used, for example, to tighten straps, chains, or ropes.]
▸ Words similar to come along
▸ Usage examples for come along
▸ Idioms related to come along
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near come along
▸ Rhymes of come along
▸ Invented words related to come along
▸ verb: (intransitive, followed by "with") To accompany.
▸ verb: (idiomatic, intransitive) To progress; to make progress; to quicken.
▸ noun: (technical) Alternative form of come-along [(technical) A type of hand-operated winch used, for example, to tighten straps, chains, or ropes.]
▸ Words similar to come along
▸ Usage examples for come along
▸ Idioms related to come along
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near come along
▸ Rhymes of come along
▸ Invented words related to come along