Usually means: Abbreviated representation of an element.
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We found 5 dictionaries that define the word chemical symbol:

General (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. chemical symbol: Wiktionary
  2. chemical symbol:
  3. Chemical symbol: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. chemical symbol, symbol, chemical: Encyclopedia

Medicine (1 matching dictionary)
  1. chemical symbol, symbol, chemical: Medical dictionary

Definitions from Wiktionary (chemical symbol)

noun:  The 1- to 3-letter international code for a chemical element. It is the same in all languages. Thus, gold always has the chemical symbol "Au", regardless what people call it in their language.
noun:  (by extension) a similar symbol used to denote a different chemical entity, such as an isotope (e.g. D = deuterium, though IUPAC prefers "²H"), a radical (e.g. Ph [or Φ] = phenyl), an unknown (e.g. M = a metal, or X = a halogen), etc.



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