Definitions from Wiktionary (carbonated water)
▸ noun: Water containing carbon dioxide dissolved in it under pressure.
▸ Words similar to carbonated water
▸ Usage examples for carbonated water
▸ Idioms related to carbonated water
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near carbonated water
▸ Rhymes of carbonated water
▸ Invented words related to carbonated water
▸ noun: Water containing carbon dioxide dissolved in it under pressure.
soda water,
sparkling water,
club soda,
fizzy water,
bubble water,
seltzer water,
bottled water,
▸ Words similar to carbonated water
▸ Usage examples for carbonated water
▸ Idioms related to carbonated water
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near carbonated water
▸ Rhymes of carbonated water
▸ Invented words related to carbonated water