Definitions from Wiktionary (Book of the Dead)
▸ noun: An ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom consisting of spells to assist the journey of the dead into the afterlife, developed from the earlier Coffin Texts.
▸ noun: Any comparable text from another culture intended to serve as a guide to the experiences one has after death, such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead or Ethiopian Book of the Dead.
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▸ noun: An ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom consisting of spells to assist the journey of the dead into the afterlife, developed from the earlier Coffin Texts.
▸ noun: Any comparable text from another culture intended to serve as a guide to the experiences one has after death, such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead or Ethiopian Book of the Dead.
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▸ Usage examples for book of the dead
▸ Idioms related to book of the dead
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of book of the dead
▸ Invented words related to book of the dead