Definitions from Wiktionary (blue-breasted fairywren)
▸ noun: Any of species Malurus pulcherrimus of fairywrens, of southern central and western Australia.
▸ Words similar to blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Usage examples for blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Idioms related to blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Rhymes of blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Invented words related to blue-breasted fairywren
▸ noun: Any of species Malurus pulcherrimus of fairywrens, of southern central and western Australia.
red-winged fairywren,
white-winged fairywren,
red-backed fairywren,
superb fairywren,
purple-crowned fairywren,
splendid fairywren,
variegated fairywren,
purple-backed fairywren,
white-shouldered fairywren,
lovely fairywren,
▸ Words similar to blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Usage examples for blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Idioms related to blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Rhymes of blue-breasted fairywren
▸ Invented words related to blue-breasted fairywren