Definitions from Wiktionary (blue-and-yellow macaw)
▸ noun: Ara ararauna, a large South American parrot with a mostly blue dorsum, light yellow/orange venter, and gradient hues of green on top of its head.
▸ Words similar to blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Usage examples for blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Idioms related to blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Rhymes of blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Invented words related to blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ noun: Ara ararauna, a large South American parrot with a mostly blue dorsum, light yellow/orange venter, and gradient hues of green on top of its head.
scarlet macaw,
Red-bellied macaw,
Lear's macaw,
red-and-green macaw,
Red-shouldered macaw,
great green macaw,
hyacinth macaw,
Sun parakeet,
Glaucous macaw,
▸ Words similar to blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Usage examples for blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Idioms related to blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Rhymes of blue-and-yellow macaw
▸ Invented words related to blue-and-yellow macaw