Usually means: Origin of universe, rapid expansion.
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We found 32 dictionaries that define the word big bang:

General (18 matching dictionaries)
  1. big bang: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  2. big bang: Collins English Dictionary
  3. big bang:
  4. Big-Bang, big-bang, big bang: Wordnik
  5. the big bang: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  6. Big Bang, big bang: Wiktionary
  7. big bang:
  8. Big Bang (British band), Big Bang (Korean band), Big Bang (Los Enanitos Verdes album), Big Bang (Magdallan album), Big Bang (Os Paralamas do Sucesso album), Big Bang (South Korean band), Big Bang (Waltari album), Big Bang (band), Big Bang (book), Big Bang (comics), Big Bang (disambiguation), Big Bang (film), Big Bang (financial markets), Big Bang (novel), Big Bang (producer), Big Bang, Big Bang, Big Bang, Big-bang, Big bang, The Big_Bang (Atlanta), The Big_Bang (Busta Rhymes album), The Big_Bang (Doctor Who), The Big_Bang (Dom & Roland album), The Big_Bang (TV series), The Big_Bang (song), The Big Bang, The big bang: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  9. big bang: Rhymezone
  10. Big Bang: Stammtisch Beau Fleuve Acronyms
  11. big bang: Free Dictionary
  12. big bang: Mnemonic Dictionary
  13. big bang: Dictionary/thesaurus
  14. the big bang:
  15. Big Bang: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  16. big bang:

Business (7 matching dictionaries)
  1. (No longer online)
  2. INVESTORWORDS (No longer online)
  3. Big Bang:
  4. Big Bang: Bloomberg Financial Glossary
  5. Big Bang:
  6. Big Bang: Investopedia
  7. Big Bang, Big-bang, The Big Bang: Financial dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Big-bang, The Big Bang, big bang: Encyclopedia

Science (4 matching dictionaries)
  1. Big Bang: Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy
  2. Big Bang: Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
  3. Imagine the Universe! Dictionary (No longer online)
  4. Big Bang: Extragalactic Astronomy

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. big-bang, the big bang: Urban Dictionary

Tech (1 matching dictionary)
  1. High-Energy Astrophysics (No longer online)

(Note: See big_banging as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (Big bang)

noun:  (cosmology) The cosmic event that marks the beginning of time and the rapid expansion of space for the visible universe. The evolution of the universe since that beginning point is described by the Big Bang Theory.
noun:  (UK, finance, historical) The sudden deregulation of financial markets effected by prime minister Margaret Thatcher in 1986.
noun:  (astrophysics) An explosion giving rise to a universe.
noun:  A large implementation of a system rather than phased or gradual delivery




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