Definitions from Wiktionary (beteach)
▸ verb: To show; point out.
▸ verb: To give; hand over; deliver up; yield.
▸ verb: To hand over as a trust; intrust; commend, commit (someone), usually as a wish expressed on departing; recommend to the care of; give charge to.
▸ verb: To commit or commend (one), by the expression of a wish, to (God, the devil, etc.).
▸ verb: To allot; assign.
▸ verb: To teach; instruct.
▸ Words similar to beteach
▸ Usage examples for beteach
▸ Idioms related to beteach
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near beteach
▸ Rhymes of beteach
▸ Invented words related to beteach
▸ verb: To show; point out.
▸ verb: To give; hand over; deliver up; yield.
▸ verb: To hand over as a trust; intrust; commend, commit (someone), usually as a wish expressed on departing; recommend to the care of; give charge to.
▸ verb: To commit or commend (one), by the expression of a wish, to (God, the devil, etc.).
▸ verb: To allot; assign.
▸ verb: To teach; instruct.
▸ Words similar to beteach
▸ Usage examples for beteach
▸ Idioms related to beteach
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near beteach
▸ Rhymes of beteach
▸ Invented words related to beteach