Definitions from Wiktionary (automated teller)
▸ noun: Ellipsis of automated teller machine. (ATM) [(banking) A device that provides bank customers with cash withdrawal and other services without the need for a human teller.]
▸ Words similar to automated teller
▸ Usage examples for automated teller
▸ Idioms related to automated teller
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near automated teller
▸ Rhymes of automated teller
▸ Invented words related to automated teller
▸ noun: Ellipsis of automated teller machine. (ATM) [(banking) A device that provides bank customers with cash withdrawal and other services without the need for a human teller.]
automatic teller,
automated teller machine,
cash machine,
cash dispenser,
automatic teller machine,
answering machine,
phone bank,
▸ Words similar to automated teller
▸ Usage examples for automated teller
▸ Idioms related to automated teller
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near automated teller
▸ Rhymes of automated teller
▸ Invented words related to automated teller