Definitions from Wikipedia (Ascension frigatebird)
▸ noun: The (Fregata aquila) a seabird of the frigatebird family Fregatidae which breeds on Boatswain Bird Island and Ascension Island in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.
▸ Words similar to ascension frigatebird
▸ Usage examples for ascension frigatebird
▸ Idioms related to ascension frigatebird
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of ascension frigatebird
▸ Invented words related to ascension frigatebird
▸ noun: The (Fregata aquila) a seabird of the frigatebird family Fregatidae which breeds on Boatswain Bird Island and Ascension Island in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.
▸ Words similar to ascension frigatebird
▸ Usage examples for ascension frigatebird
▸ Idioms related to ascension frigatebird
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near ascension frigatebird
▸ Rhymes of ascension frigatebird
▸ Invented words related to ascension frigatebird