Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: (countable) The tree that produces almonds.
▸ noun: Other plants that produce almond-like nuts:
▸ noun: bitter almond. of variety Prunus amygdalus var. amara, (syn. Prunus dulcis var. amara), that only produces bitter fruits
▸ noun: Prunus japonica, flowering almond, an ornamental shrub in family Rosaceae
▸ noun: Prunus andersonii, desert almond, a North American shrub in family Rosaceae
▸ noun: Prunus fasciculata, desert range almond or wild almond, North American shrub in family Rosaceae
▸ noun: Terminalia catappa, Indian almond or tropical almond, in family Combretaceae
▸ noun: Brabejum stellatifolium or bitter almond, in family Proteaceae
▸ noun: (uncountable) The colour of the kernel of an almond without its shell and thin seed coat, a creamy off-white colour.
▸ noun: (uncountable) The colour of an almond still covered by its skin, a shade of brown.
▸ noun: (uncountable) Flavour or other characteristics of almond.
▸ noun: Anything shaped like an almond; specifically, (anatomy, archaic) a tonsil.
▸ adjective: Brownish, resembling the colour of an almond nut.
▸ noun: A surname.
▸ noun: A river in North Lanarkshire council area, West Lothian council area and Edinburgh council area, Scotland, which empties into the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh.
▸ noun: A river in Perth and Kinross council area, Scotland, which joins the River Tay.
▸ noun: A town in Allegany County, New York, United States.
▸ noun: A village in Portage County, Wisconsin, United States.
amygdalus communis,
prunus amygdalus,
prunus dulcis,
sweet almond,
almond tree,
bitter almond,
wild almond,
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