Definitions from Wikipedia (Albert's lyrebird)
▸ noun: (Menura alberti) a timid, pheasant-sized songbird which is endemic to subtropical rainforests of Australia, in a small area on the state border between New South Wales and Queensland.
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▸ noun: (Menura alberti) a timid, pheasant-sized songbird which is endemic to subtropical rainforests of Australia, in a small area on the state border between New South Wales and Queensland.
▸ Words similar to albert's lyrebird
▸ Usage examples for albert's lyrebird
▸ Idioms related to albert's lyrebird
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near albert's lyrebird
▸ Rhymes of albert's lyrebird
▸ Invented words related to albert's lyrebird