Definitions from Wiktionary (adopt out)
▸ verb: To expel a child from a family by placing them for adoption; to put a child up for adoption privately, without going through an adoption agency.
▸ verb: To send a son or daughter away to live in another country. (Used with to).
▸ verb: To send a child to be adopted by family of a different culture and ethnicity.
▸ Words similar to adopt out
▸ Usage examples for adopt out
▸ Idioms related to adopt out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near adopt out
▸ Rhymes of adopt out
▸ Invented words related to adopt out
▸ verb: To expel a child from a family by placing them for adoption; to put a child up for adoption privately, without going through an adoption agency.
▸ verb: To send a son or daughter away to live in another country. (Used with to).
▸ verb: To send a child to be adopted by family of a different culture and ethnicity.
orphan off,
put out,
pawn off,
throw off,
board out,
kick out,
▸ Words similar to adopt out
▸ Usage examples for adopt out
▸ Idioms related to adopt out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near adopt out
▸ Rhymes of adopt out
▸ Invented words related to adopt out