Definitions from Wiktionary (tusk)
▸ noun: One of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar, and which continue to grow throughout the animal's life.
▸ noun: A small projection on a (tusk) tenon.
▸ noun: A tusk shell.
▸ noun: (carpentry) A projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets, called teeth.
▸ noun: A sharp point.
▸ noun: The share of a plough.
▸ verb: To dig up using a tusk, as boars do.
▸ verb: To gore with the tusks.
▸ verb: (obsolete) To bare or gnash the teeth.
▸ noun: A fish, the torsk (Brosme brosme).
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▸ noun: One of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar, and which continue to grow throughout the animal's life.
▸ noun: A small projection on a (tusk) tenon.
▸ noun: A tusk shell.
▸ noun: (carpentry) A projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets, called teeth.
▸ noun: A sharp point.
▸ noun: The share of a plough.
▸ verb: To dig up using a tusk, as boars do.
▸ verb: To gore with the tusks.
▸ verb: (obsolete) To bare or gnash the teeth.
▸ noun: A fish, the torsk (Brosme brosme).
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▸ Idioms related to TUSK
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▸ Rhymes of TUSK
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