Definitions from Wikipedia (Spectral band replication)
▸ noun: a technology to enhance audio or speech codecs, especially at low bit rates and is based on harmonic redundancy in the frequency domain.
▸ Words similar to Spectral Band Replication
▸ Usage examples for Spectral Band Replication
▸ Idioms related to Spectral Band Replication
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near Spectral Band Replication
▸ Rhymes of Spectral Band Replication
▸ Invented words related to Spectral Band Replication
▸ noun: a technology to enhance audio or speech codecs, especially at low bit rates and is based on harmonic redundancy in the frequency domain.
▸ Words similar to Spectral Band Replication
▸ Usage examples for Spectral Band Replication
▸ Idioms related to Spectral Band Replication
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near Spectral Band Replication
▸ Rhymes of Spectral Band Replication
▸ Invented words related to Spectral Band Replication