Definitions from Wiktionary (snoop)
▸ verb: To be devious and cunning so as not to be seen.
▸ verb: To secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others.
▸ noun: The act of snooping.
▸ noun: One who snoops.
▸ noun: A private detective.
▸ Also see snoop
▸ Words similar to SNOOPS
▸ Usage examples for SNOOPS
▸ Idioms related to SNOOPS
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing SNOOPS
▸ Words that often appear near SNOOPS
▸ Rhymes of SNOOPS
▸ Invented words related to SNOOPS
▸ verb: To be devious and cunning so as not to be seen.
▸ verb: To secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others.
▸ noun: The act of snooping.
▸ noun: One who snoops.
▸ noun: A private detective.
▸ Also see snoop
▸ Words similar to SNOOPS
▸ Usage examples for SNOOPS
▸ Idioms related to SNOOPS
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing SNOOPS
▸ Words that often appear near SNOOPS
▸ Rhymes of SNOOPS
▸ Invented words related to SNOOPS