Definitions from Wiktionary (seraphim)
▸ noun: Lobophora halterata, a species of geometrid moth.
▸ noun: (archaic or nonstandard) Alternative form of seraph [(biblical) A burning serpent, often winged, with human hands and sometimes feet; one of God's entourage. On Earth, they strike with burning poison; in Heaven, with burning coal. A description can be found at the beginning of Isaiah chapter 6.]
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▸ noun: Lobophora halterata, a species of geometrid moth.
▸ noun: (archaic or nonstandard) Alternative form of seraph [(biblical) A burning serpent, often winged, with human hands and sometimes feet; one of God's entourage. On Earth, they strike with burning poison; in Heaven, with burning coal. A description can be found at the beginning of Isaiah chapter 6.]
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