Definitions from Wiktionary (pecan)
▸ noun: A deciduous tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts.
▸ noun: A smooth, thin-shelled, edible oval nut of this tree.
▸ noun: A half of the edible portion of the inside of this nut.
▸ Also see pecan
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▸ noun: A deciduous tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts.
▸ noun: A smooth, thin-shelled, edible oval nut of this tree.
▸ noun: A half of the edible portion of the inside of this nut.
▸ Also see pecan
▸ Words similar to PECANS
▸ Usage examples for PECANS
▸ Idioms related to PECANS
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing PECANS
▸ Words that often appear near PECANS
▸ Rhymes of PECANS
▸ Invented words related to PECANS