Definitions from Wikipedia (Garbage in, garbage out)
▸ noun: In computer science, garbage in, garbage out is the concept that flawed, biased or poor quality ("garbage") information or input produces a result or output of similar ("garbage") quality.
▸ Words similar to Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Usage examples for Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Idioms related to Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Rhymes of Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Invented words related to Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ noun: In computer science, garbage in, garbage out is the concept that flawed, biased or poor quality ("garbage") information or input produces a result or output of similar ("garbage") quality.
▸ Words similar to Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Usage examples for Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Idioms related to Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Rhymes of Garbage In, Garbage Out
▸ Invented words related to Garbage In, Garbage Out