Usually means: Shoes fitted with spikes, cleats.
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We found 12 dictionaries that define the word CALKED:

General (11 matching dictionaries)
  1. calked:
  2. calked: Collins English Dictionary
  3. calked:
  4. calked: Wordnik
  5. calked: Wiktionary
  6. Calked, calked:
  7. Calked: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  8. Calked: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  9. calked: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  10. calked: Free Dictionary
  11. calked: Dictionary/thesaurus

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. calked: Encyclopedia

(Note: See calk as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (calk)

noun:  A pointed projection on a horseshoe to prevent its slipping.
noun:  A spike on the sole of a boot to prevent slipping, particularly used in logging
verb:  To make an indentation in the edge of a metal plate, as along a seam in a steam boiler or an iron ship, to force the edge of the upper plate hard against the lower and so fill the crevice.
verb:  To copy (a drawing) by rubbing the back of it with red or black chalk, and then passing a blunt stylus or needle over the lines, so as to leave a tracing on the paper or other thing against which it is laid or held.
noun:  A surname from German.
noun:  An unincorporated community in Montgomery County, Kentucky, United States.
noun:  Alternative form of caulk (“a short sleep, nap”) [Caulking.]
verb:  (possibly dated) Alternative spelling of caulk [(nautical) To drive oakum into the seams of a ship's wooden deck or hull to make it watertight.]
verb:  Alternative form of caulk (“to take a short sleep, nap”) [(nautical) To drive oakum into the seams of a ship's wooden deck or hull to make it watertight.]
▸ Also see calk

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