Definitions from Wiktionary (APT)
▸ adjective: Suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted; suited.
▸ adjective: (of persons or things) Having a habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards.
▸ adjective: Ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn.
▸ noun: A surname.
▸ noun: Abbreviation of apartment. [(chiefly Canada, US, Australia, Philippines) A complete domicile occupying only part of a building, especially one for rent; a flat.]
▸ noun: Initialism of automation presses tooling.
▸ noun: (UK, rail transport) Initialism of advanced passenger train.
▸ noun: (US) Abbreviation of apartment. (APT is preferred by the United States Postal Service; compare Apt. and apt.) [(chiefly Canada, US, Australia, Philippines) A complete domicile occupying only part of a building, especially one for rent; a flat.]
▸ noun: (cybersecurity) Initialism of advanced persistent threat.
▸ noun: Initialism of arbitrage pricing theory. [(finance) A theory of asset pricing serving as a framework for the arbitrage pricing model.]
▸ noun: (UK, healthcare) Initialism of anatomical pathology technologist.
▸ noun: (biochemistry) Initialism of acyl protein thioesterase.
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of automatically programmed tool: a high-level language for numerically controlled machine tools.
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of advanced packaging tool: a package management system used by Debian and Debian-based distributions, also used by other Linux distributions.
▸ noun: Initialism of Alabama Public Television.
▸ noun: Initialism of American Public Television.
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▸ adjective: Suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted; suited.
▸ adjective: (of persons or things) Having a habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards.
▸ adjective: Ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn.
▸ noun: A surname.
▸ noun: Abbreviation of apartment. [(chiefly Canada, US, Australia, Philippines) A complete domicile occupying only part of a building, especially one for rent; a flat.]
▸ noun: Initialism of automation presses tooling.
▸ noun: (UK, rail transport) Initialism of advanced passenger train.
▸ noun: (US) Abbreviation of apartment. (APT is preferred by the United States Postal Service; compare Apt. and apt.) [(chiefly Canada, US, Australia, Philippines) A complete domicile occupying only part of a building, especially one for rent; a flat.]
▸ noun: (cybersecurity) Initialism of advanced persistent threat.
▸ noun: Initialism of arbitrage pricing theory. [(finance) A theory of asset pricing serving as a framework for the arbitrage pricing model.]
▸ noun: (UK, healthcare) Initialism of anatomical pathology technologist.
▸ noun: (biochemistry) Initialism of acyl protein thioesterase.
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of automatically programmed tool: a high-level language for numerically controlled machine tools.
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of advanced packaging tool: a package management system used by Debian and Debian-based distributions, also used by other Linux distributions.
▸ noun: Initialism of Alabama Public Television.
▸ noun: Initialism of American Public Television.
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