We found 55 dictionaries that define the word
General (27 matching dictionaries)
- alloy: Merriam-Webster.com
- alloy: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
- alloy: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- alloy: Collins English Dictionary
- alloy: Vocabulary.com
- Alloy, alloy: Wordnik
- alloy: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
- alloy: Wiktionary
- alloy: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
- alloy: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
- alloy: Infoplease Dictionary
- alloy: Dictionary.com
- alloy: Online Etymology Dictionary
- alloy: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
- Alloy (Marvel Comics), Alloy (Skepticism album), Alloy (Trillium album), Alloy (disambiguation), Alloy (specification language), Alloy: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- Alloy: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
- alloy: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
- alloy: Rhymezone
- alloy: AllWords.com Multi-Lingual Dictionary
- alloy: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
- alloy: Free Dictionary
- alloy: Mnemonic Dictionary
- alloy: Dictionary/thesaurus
- alloy: Wikimedia Commons US English Pronunciations
- alloy: Merriam-Webster.com
Art (6 matching dictionaries)
- alloy: ArtLex Lexicon of Visual Art Terminology
- Body Piercing Glossary (No longer online)
- Coin Collecting Glossary (No longer online)
- Beading Glossary (No longer online)
- Alloy: Numismatic Dictionary
- Body Piercing Glossary (No longer online)
Business (3 matching dictionaries)
- Construction Term Glossary (No longer online)
- alloy: Legal dictionary
- BusinessDictionary.com (No longer online)
Computing (2 matching dictionaries)
- ALLOY: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
- alloy: Encyclopedia
Medicine (4 matching dictionaries)
- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
- online medical dictionary (No longer online)
- Medical Device Glossary of Terms (No longer online)
- alloy: Medical dictionary
Miscellaneous (2 matching dictionaries)
- Brilliant Dream Dictionary (No longer online)
- alloy: Idioms
Science (1 matching dictionary)
- Archaeology Wordsmith (No longer online)
Slang (1 matching dictionary)
- Alloy: Urban Dictionary
Sports (1 matching dictionary)
- Alloy: Bicycle Glossary
Tech (8 matching dictionaries)
- Metal Terminology (No longer online)
- AUTOMOTIVE TERMS (No longer online)
- Glossary of Composite Terms (No longer online)
- alloy: Construction deterioration & building durability glossary
- Alloy: Fiberglass Glossary
- alloy: Coin Collecting
- Bridge and Tunnels Terminology (No longer online)
- ALLOY: Power Engineering
(Note: See
alloyed as well.)
Definitions from Wiktionary (alloy)
▸ noun: A metal that is a combination of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, a base metal.
▸ noun: (archaic) A metal of lesser value, mixed with a metal of greater value.
▸ noun: An admixture; something added which stains, taints etc.
▸ noun: (figurative) Fusion, marriage, combination.
▸ verb: To mix or combine; often used of metals.
▸ verb: To reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable substance.
▸ verb: (figurative) To impair or debase by mixture.
alloying element,
alloy steel,
ternary alloy,
▸ Word origin
▸ Words similar to ALLOY
▸ Usage examples for ALLOY
▸ Idioms related to ALLOY
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▸ Words that often appear near ALLOY
▸ Rhymes of ALLOY
▸ Invented words related to ALLOY