A tea-like drink made by Native Americans, and then by others, having exhilarant and diuretic properties. It is thought to have been brewed with Ilex vomitoria (yaupon) or Ilex cassine leaves.
Alternative form of jaggery (“unrefined sugar”) [A traditional dark-brown unrefined sugar made from palm tree sap which is used throughout South and Southeast Asia; (by extension) other types of unrefined sugar.]
A kind of oil used in India for lamps, and for boiling with dammara for pitching vessels. It is pressed from the seeds of a leguminous tree (Millettia pinnata).
The leaves of a tea plant which have been processed in a manner to let them wilt slightly and lose their "grassy" taste of green tea while undergoing minimal oxidation.
A tea-like drink, "black drink", brewed from the leaves of this holly (or, sometimes, Ilex cassine).
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