To fix, fasten; to fix a poster or placard to a wall.
A small nameplate, identifying the wearer, and often giving additional information.
Alternative form of billsticker [Someone who sticks up advertisements on billboards, walls, and similar surfaces.]
Someone who sticks up advertisements on billboards, walls, and similar surfaces.
A piece of blotting paper in a pad as a piece of desk furniture.
(transitive) To match (adjoining wood or stone surfaces) so that they mirror each other, giving the impression of an opened book.
(US) An adhesive label or decal, usually applied to the bumper or back end of an automobile, and displaying a short political, promotional, philosophical, or humorous message.
Alternative spelling of bumper sticker [(US) An adhesive label or decal, usually applied to the bumper or back end of an automobile, and displaying a short political, promotional, philosophical, or humorous message.]
(obsolete) A small paper package, e.g. in an old book about making printer's type: After all the type has been cast: "The Boy will paper up each sort in a cartridge by itself".
(uncountable) Small pieces of paper punched out from the edges of continuous stationery, or from ballot papers, paper tape, punched cards, etc.
A paper tape punch that does not produce little pieces of paper. Instead, "the perforations are not completely cut out but the chads are permitted to remain attached to the perforated material (for example, tape)". (U.S. Patent 2,255,794, filed May 20, 1939)
Alternative spelling of die-cast [A model or object made by this technique.]
(journalism, printing, historical) A mechanical contrivance into which linotype slugs containing late-breaking news are clamped.
(medicine) In massage, a hacking or chopping stroke repeated in succession with the edge of the extended fingers or with the whole hand.
A piece of punch-through paper on a voting ballot that has not fully detached from the card-stock.
(obsolete) A paper packet containing a sweetmeat, cracker, etc., together with a scrap of paper bearing a motto.
A kind of nametag that can be sewn onto clothing.
A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting, especially one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper; now especially such a block of paper sheets as used to write on.
A small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side.
A small round white sticker placed around a punched hole in a piece of paper to prevent the binder's rings from tearing through the paper.
Paper used for preliminary work on a (for example mathematics) problem, considered ephemeral.
A pad of paper for preliminary notes or sketches or writings, etc.
Alternative form of signeted [Stamped or marked with a signet.]
A note or sticker attached to an existing poster to provide further information (e.g. an event is sold out), political criticism, etc.
A person, or group, whose reactions to a new idea or proposal serve to assess its acceptability
(informal) Alternative form of sticky note [(US, slang) A slip of paper, or a chit, with a gummy or gluey top that can be moved from place to place, usually as a reminder.]
An adhesive label or decal.
A booklet of self-adhesive stickers especially for use as rewards for children.
A craze for decorative adhesive stickers.
Alternative form of sticky [A sticky note, such as a post-it note.]
(computing, of a window) Appearing on all virtual desktops.
A name given to the Post-it brand name of sticky notes.
Alternative form of sticky-backed plastic [(Britain) large sheet of thin, soft, coloured plastic that is sticky on one side]
(Britain) large sheet of thin, soft, coloured plastic that is sticky on one side
A small sheet of paper from a padded stack. Each sheet of the pad has a strip of weak easy-release non-permanent adhesive on the reverse for temporary attachment to a document or to other materials.
(transitive, UK) To affix or attach with sticky tape.
(photography, historical) A small photographic portrait with an adhesive backing.
A piece of certain paper items, designed to be torn off and kept for record or identification purposes.
(rare) Clipping of Transformer. [(toys) A toy in the Transformers toyline which has mechanical parts that allow it to be altered in appearance from its original form as a humanoid robot action figure to another form, usually a vehicle, depending on the toy.]
Clipping of Transformer. [(toys) A toy in the Transformers toyline which has mechanical parts that allow it to be altered in appearance from its original form as a humanoid robot action figure to another form, usually a vehicle, depending on the toy.]
Alternative spelling of thumb-sketch [A crude representation, as if drawn with the thumb]
(slang) A hidden listening device on the person of an undercover operative for the purposes of obtaining incriminating spoken evidence.
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