An electric heater that heats the engine of a car to ease starting in cold weather.
A room in a building that houses the boiler(s) and similar equipment.
One of a number of tubes in a steam boiler through which heat, smoke and fumes from the firebox pass.
A form of heat exchanger in which steam is forced past tubes which contain water to be boiled.
(Britain) The smokestack of a steam locomotive.
The flat plate which forms the top of the furnace or firebox of an internally fired steam boiler.
A valve or movable plate in the flue or other part of a stove, furnace, etc., used to check or regulate the draught of air.
A tube in a boiler that directs incoming cold water to the bottom of the tank, to be heated.
A water-heating system for domestic use, consisting of a drum of water mounted above a fire.
In ironmaking, a pipe that leads combustible gases downward from the top of the blast furnace to the hot-blast stoves, boilers, etc., where they are burned.
A large external pipe in a water-tube boiler, carrying unheated water from the steam drum down to the water drum as part of the circulation path.
A metal sphere, containing water, and having two opposing jets, that rotates when the water is boiled
A single-ended thimble tube in a boiler, with an internal tube to encourage circulation.
A damper which closes off an air duct automatically in the event of fire so as to restrict the passage of fire and smoke.
A fireproof door designed to stop fires spreading through buildings.
(rail transport) The chamber of a steam engine, or a steam locomotive, in which the fuel is burned.
A tube conveying hot gas in a boiler.
High-temperature hydraulic condensate discharged from industrial boilers.
A variety of water-tube boiler, used chiefly in steam automobiles, consisting of a nest of strong tubes with very little water space, kept nearly red hot so that the water as it trickles drop by drop into the tubes is immediately flashed into steam and superheated.
Initialism of feedwater heater. [a device used to preheat water before it enters a boiler. They were at one time also fitted to steam locomotives.]
In a steam boiler, the aggregate surface exposed to fire or to the heated products of combustion, especially of all the plates or sheets that are exposed to water on their opposite surfaces.
A mechanism that regulates the amount of water in a boiler.
A steam boiler with two flues that contain the furnaces and extend through the boiler from end to end.
A vertical water space in a firebox or combustion chamber within a steam boiler.
Initialism of open feedwater heater. [(engineering, thermodynamics) A feedwater heater in which the two fluid streams mix together.]
(mechanics, steam heating) in a radiator, a group of connected straight pipes arranged side by side and one above another
An automatic draught-regulator for chimney-stacks, smoke-pipes, etc.
A plug of soft metal in an opening in a steam boiler, designed to melt when the temperature rises to a certain point, and thus allow the escape of steam.
A kind of steam boiler, best known for its use on ships, with a number of firetubes above one or more cylindrical furnaces.
A conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out, as on a steam locomotive, ship, factory, or power plant using fossil fuels.
A heat-activated device that sprays water in the event of a fire, usually mounted on a ceiling.
A boiler that is designed to produce steam.
A dome fitted to the top of a boiler where steam is collected before being used in the cylinders.
A form of mild superheater that adds additional heat to wet or saturated steam, thus ensuring that all water in the steam is evaporated and avoiding problems with water droplets in the cylinders or turbine.
A reservoir of water and steam at the top end of the water tubes in a boiler. It acts as a phase-separator for the steam/water mixture.
A tunnel which allows workers to maintain pipes which transport steam between a central boiler and buildings to be heated or cooled, usually in a campus setting.
Sheet-metal tubing used as a chimney for a stove or furnace.
(archaic) A large metal pipe made to be extended vertically by sections, and used for discharging water upon burning buildings.
(military, mechanical engineering) A type of torpedo engine where water is injected into the combustion chamber alongside fuel and compressed air or oxygen, cooling the engine and increasing its power through the production and expansion of steam.
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