A member of a Federal Party
(derogatory) A federalist, especially in the EU.
(chiefly historical) Any of various types of city of Europe from classical to modern times, characterised by relative autonomy and/or being responsible only and directly to a king or emperor; a more modern city of such type, sometimes elsewhere than in Europe.
(Ireland, dated, humorous) The Irish defence forces reserve.
A sovereign or independent country.
A political entity whose political status is less than that of a fully sovereign nation-state, as with the former Congo Free State and the former Irish Free State.
(Ireland, historical) One of those in Ireland who supported the Anglo-Irish Treaty.
Of or from the imaginary country Freedonia.
A state where sovereignty rests with the people or their representatives, rather than with a monarch or emperor; a country with no monarchy.
(historical) Free sale, fixity of tenure, and fair rent: the three demands of the Irish Land League.
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