(slang, derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur) A black African.
Alternative form of Africoon-Americoon [(slang, offensive, derogatory) African-American.]
(slang, offensive, derogatory, ethnic slur) An African-American.
(derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur) An African.
(slang, derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur) A black African.
(South Africa) Me too.
(dated, derogatory, offensive) The Third World countries, especially those in Africa.
Alternative letter-case form of Caucasian [A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus.]
From the East End of London, or London generally
(New Zealand, derogatory, ethnic slur) A Pacific islander.
(South Africa, sometimes capitalized) Belonging to a multiracial ethnic group or category, having ancestry from more than one of the racial groups of southern Africa (black, white, and Asian). (Under apartheid, used as a metadescription for mixed-race people and peoples such as the Cape Coloureds.)
(dated, ethnic slur) A British Bahamian.
(offensive, Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean, Guyana, Jamaica, South Africa and other parts of Africa) An Indian or a person of Indian descent.
Alternative form of Corn-cracker State [An unofficial nickname for the state of Kentucky in the United States of America.]
(South Africa, slang, derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur) A white Afrikaner.
A person whose ethnicity is a multi-word hyphenated term, such as "African-American".
(informal, derogatory, offensive) The act of giving something to someone under the pretense that they get to keep it permanently, and then taking it back later on, or expecting something in return.
(countable, South Africa, Rhodesia, ethnic slur, offensive, derogatory) A black person.
A member of an old mixed race group, particularly those groups which identify more with their white ancestry than with their black or Native American ancestry, like the Melungeons and a person referred to as a brass ankle.
(slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) A Russian soldier or gangster.
(South Africa) The place where one outspans.
(US, informal) A native or resident of Georgia in the United States.
A form of Jamaican folk religion that combines revivalism with African elements such as spirit possession
(Jamaica, historical) A plot of land on a hill near a plantation, allotted to enslaved people for growing food.
A fictional sidekick character in American author Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick, the multiracial tattooed Polynesian cannibal prince and skilled harpooner who became a whaler on European vessels out of wanderlust. Queequeg practices an alien fictional religion and constantly engages in feats of bravado intimidating to the white and ethnically-European protagonist but befriends him and shows no resentment at treatment by white societies. Melville's text describes him as “George Washington cannibalistically developed”.
(mythology) An Australian Aboriginal deity, sometimes regarded as a creator god, sometimes associated with water, and often (though not always) described as being a snake.
A member of the UDD (National United Front for Democracy), supporters of Prime Minister Shinawatra, (and subsequently Abhisit Vejajiva) in the conflict in Thailand after the 2006 coup d'etat.
Alternative form of rooinek [(South Africa, derogatory, ethnic slur) An Englishman, or a South African that speaks English as opposed to Afrikaans.]
(South Africa, derogatory, ethnic slur) An Englishman, or a South African that speaks English as opposed to Afrikaans.
(historical) A slave camp in colonial Brazil.
(US, derogatory, ethnic slur) A Latino; a person of Latin American descent.
(South Africa) A South African counterculture movement associated with the white lower middle class.
(South Africa, Zimbabwe, ethnic slur, offensive, derogatory) A black person.
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