Concept cluster: Positive qualities > Off-the-shelf products
Constructed as a non-detachable part of a larger structure.
Of a system: manufactured commercially and then tailored for specific uses.
Acronym of commercial/consumer off-the-shelf (Refers to ready-made merchandise that is available for sale, defined by market need, significant functionality and complexity, and self-contained.)
Goods whose manufacture has been completed, but which are not yet on sale or distributed to the end-user.
Alternative spelling of make-ready [(printing) A sheet of paper on which overlays are pasted for printing.]
Alternative form of mismold [To mold improperly, producing an unintended result.]
(of clothing, UK) ready-made in a range of standard sizes (not tailor-made)
(of clothing, US) ready-made in a range of standard sizes
(idiomatic) As purchased or as commonly available, without modification or customization.
(figuratively) Ready to be implemented or put into place.
A ready-made object.
Alternative spelling of ready-made [A ready-made object.]
The ending up of a polypeptid chain.
Alternative form of turnkey [Ready to use without further assembly or test; supplied in a state that is ready to turn on and operate (typically refers to an assembly that is outsourced for manufacture)]
Ready to use without further assembly or test; supplied in a state that is ready to turn on and operate (typically refers to an assembly that is outsourced for manufacture)
The act of exercising or stretching in preparation for strenuous activity

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