Alternative form of airhorn [A noise-making device that blasts compressed air through a horn]
Alternative spelling of alphorn [(music) A long, curved, wooden horn used by mountain-dwelling herders in the Alps, originally to call cattle but now only as musical instrument in classical and folk tunes.]
(music) A long, curved, wooden horn used by mountain-dwelling herders in the Alps, originally to call cattle but now only as musical instrument in classical and folk tunes.
Alternative form of blowhorn [A device, often funnel-shaped and sometimes hand-held, which is used to emit loud sounds or amplified human speech.]
Alternative form of blowhorn [A device, often funnel-shaped and sometimes hand-held, which is used to emit loud sounds or amplified human speech.]
A device, often funnel-shaped and sometimes hand-held, which is used to emit loud sounds or amplified human speech.
Alternative form of bullhorn [(chiefly US) A megaphone which electronically amplifies a person’s natural voice.]
Alternative form of bullhorn [(chiefly US) A megaphone which electronically amplifies a person’s natural voice.]
(chiefly US) A megaphone which electronically amplifies a person’s natural voice.
(heraldry) A charge thought to represent a type of wind instrument, a keyboard instrument like a spinet, or perhaps a rest used by a knight to support a lance during jousting.
(historical) A long, straight, valveless instrument, traditionally made of copper, originally used as a signal horn on fast coaches.
Alternative form of coehorn [(military, historical) A small bronze mortar mounted on a wooden block with handles, and light enough to be carried short distances by two people.]
(obsolete) The standard flown by a cavalry troop.
(intransitive, music) To test the reed of a double reed instrument by placing the reed alone in the mouth and blowing it.
One who plays on a crwth, a string instrument of Welsh origin; a fiddler.
Alternative form of crowdy-crawn [(music) A type of sheepskin-covered hoop (a crowd) used as a frame drum, originating in the traditional music of Cornwall, England.]
(obsolete) A bicycle horn.
Alternative form of dudeen [A short-stemmed Irish pipe made out of clay.]
Alternative spelling of dumdum [A soft-nosed bullet that expands on impact to cause a gaping wound.]
Alternative spelling of feedhorn [A horn antenna used to convey electromagnetic waves between the transceiver and the reflector.]
Alternative spelling of feedhorn [A horn antenna used to convey electromagnetic waves between the transceiver and the reflector.]
Alternative form of fish-horn [(historical) A horn that produces a loud and penetrating sound, used by a fishmonger to announce that the catch is in.]
(historical) A horn that produces a loud and penetrating sound, used by a fishmonger to announce that the catch is in.
Alternative form of foghorn [A very loud low-pitched horn, used especially in lighthouses and on large boats.]
Alternative form of foghorn [A very loud low-pitched horn, used especially in lighthouses and on large boats.]
A very loud low-pitched horn, used especially in lighthouses and on large boats.
Alternative form of gob stick [(slang) A clarinet.]
(countable) Any of several musical wind instruments.
Alternative spelling of hornpiper [Someone who plays a hornpipe.]
Alternative spelling of hornpiper [Someone who plays a hornpipe.]
(obsolete) Someone who blows a horn (the musical insturment); a hornblower.
(music) A bugle, being either simply curved (especially in heraldry), or having from one (in e.g. some Roman horns) to three (in many modern musical horns) spirals, on which signals are blown during a hunt.
Alternative spelling of hunting horn [(music) A bugle, being either simply curved (especially in heraldry), or having from one (in e.g. some Roman horns) to three (in many modern musical horns) spirals, on which signals are blown during a hunt.]
One who uses or favours inkhorn terms.
A type of horn, commonly used for children's parties, consisting of a simple whistle to which is attached a rolled-up paper tube that unrolls when blown.
Alternative form of horn of plenty [The cornucopia.]
(historical) A type of brass horn used to signal the arrival or departure of a postrider or mailcoach.
Alternative form of post horn [(historical) A type of brass horn used to signal the arrival or departure of a postrider or mailcoach.]
Alternative form of post horn [(historical) A type of brass horn used to signal the arrival or departure of a postrider or mailcoach.]
A horn in which gunpowder is carried.
(music) Any of numerous traditional Swiss melodies played on the alpenhorn, originally to call cows in from the mountains.
Alternative form of slughorn [(nonstandard, rare) A wind instrument.]
(music) An old musical instrument, the pibgorn.
The sound of several notes played on a trumpet or horn.
A small trumpet used by hunters to imitate the vocalisations of turkeys.
Alternative form of war-horn [(chiefly historical) A blowing horn blown (especially by Vikings and other Germanic peoples) to warn others of an impending battle, and call them to it, or to signal its commencement.]
(chiefly historical) A blowing horn blown (especially by Vikings and other Germanic peoples) to warn others of an impending battle, and call them to it, or to signal its commencement.
Alternative form of war-horn [(chiefly historical) A blowing horn blown (especially by Vikings and other Germanic peoples) to warn others of an impending battle, and call them to it, or to signal its commencement.]
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