(US, engineering, agriculture) A unit of measure, used for volumes of water, equal to one acre times one foot (that is, to the amount of water required to cover one acre of land to a depth of one foot), which is 43,560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons, 1,233 cubic meters.
A unit of volume equal to an acre times a foot, equal to 43,560 cubic feet, or about 1233.5 cubic meters.
(historical units of measure) A former Roman unit of length, equal to 120 Roman feet (about 35.5 m)
Alternative form of arshin [An obsolete Russian length unit, equal to 71.12 centimeters, or 28 inches.]
Alternative form of arshin [An obsolete Russian length unit, equal to 71.12 centimeters, or 28 inches.]
Alternative form of arshin [An obsolete Russian length unit, equal to 71.12 centimeters, or 28 inches.]
Alternative form of arpent (old unit of measure) [A pre-metric French unit of length, having various official measures.]
A pre-metric French unit of length, having various official measures.
Alternative form of arshine
Alternative form of arshine
An obsolete Russian length unit, equal to 71.12 centimeters, or 28 inches.
Alternative form of arshin [An obsolete Russian length unit, equal to 71.12 centimeters, or 28 inches.]
(obsolete) An ell (unit of measure).
(historical) An obsolete unit of area, approximately 120 ares or 120,000 square metres.
(UK, archaic) A unit of length equal to ¹⁄₁₂ inch.
A symbol (☤) representing a staff with two snakes wrapped around it, used to indicate merchants and messengers. It is also sometimes incorrectly substituted for the rod of Asclepius as a symbol of medicine.
One hundred cubic feet: used as a unit of measurement of volume.
A unit of length equal to 22 yards. The length of a Gunter's surveying chain. The length of a cricket pitch. Equal to 20.12 metres, 4 rods, or 100 links.
(historical units of measure) one of various former units of length notionally based on the distance from a grown man's elbow to his fingertips, standardized in different places and times at values between 35 and 60 cm.
(historical units of measure) A unit of length notionally based upon the width of an adult human finger, standardized differently in various places and times, (especially) the English digit of ¹⁄₁₆ foot (about 1.9 cm).
(historical) An Ancient Roman unit of length, approximately 0.73 inches.
(now historical) A measure of length. An English ell was 1¼ yards (45 inches or 114 cm), a Scottish ell was about 37 inches (94 cm), a Flemish ell was ¾ yard (27 inches or 69 cm), while certain European ells were less than 50 cm.
(with units of time, distance, etc) Used to emphasize the smallness of the measurement.
a unit of both speed and velocity, expressing the distance in feet traveled or displaced, divided by the time in seconds
Of or relating to a measurement system that uses the foot as a measure of distance, the pound as a measure of force, and the second as a measure of time. Abbreviations: ft-lb-s, fps, f.p.s.
Initialism of foot-pound-second (“a system of units”). [A unit of mechanical power, equal to that required to raise one pound through a distance of one foot in one second.]
Abbreviation of cubic foot. [A measure of volume or capacity equivalent to that of a cube having unit dimension of one foot; equals 28.32 litres.]
(UK) A unit of length equal to 220 yards, ¹⁄₈ mile, or 201.168 meters, now mainly used in measuring distances in horse racing and farmland.
A unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot, or exactly 2.54 centimetres.
(US) a customary unit of 4,046.8564224 m²
(measurement) A unit of length measurement standardized under ISO, at a value of 0.3048 metres; the standard U.S. foot since 1959, the standard U.S. surveying foot since 2022.
(historical units of measure) Alternative form of juger: a Roman unit of area. [(historical units of measure) A Roman unit of area, equivalent to 2 acti or 28,800 square feet (about ¼ ha).]
A unit of length equal to one foot long.
(historical) An Indian unit of length used in land measure, approximately 9 feet 5 inches but varying by region.
Alternative form of luggee (“unit of length”) [(historical) An Indian unit of length used in land measure, approximately 9 feet 5 inches but varying by region.]
(rare) A unit of length equal to one million feet.
A unit of length (30 cm) used to sell wood in the United Kingdom.
An archaic English unit of length equivalent to ¹⁄₂₀ of an ell or ¹⁄₁₆ of a yard (2+¹⁄₄ inches or 5.715 cm).
(historical) An ancient Babylonian unit of measure equal to 12 cubits, approximately six metres.
(historical units of measure) A former Greek unit of length equal to 100 Greek feet (podes).
The Greek foot, a unit of length based on the shod foot, generally equal to 16 fingers (δάκτυλοι) or ¹⁄₆₀₀ stade (στάδια) but varying over time and location within Greece and the Hellenized world.
A unit of area in Korea, used especially for floorspace, equivalent to 3.3058 m².
(historical, pyramidology) unit of measure claimed by pyramidologists to have been used in ancient times. Supposedly one twenty-fifth of a "sacred cubit", 1.00106 imperial inches, or 2.5426924 centimetres.
A unit of measurement for volume; the exact amount varies from place to place.
(historical) An old unit of length, equal to 12.36 feet (377.7 cm).
(historical) An ancient Egyptian unit of length, approximately 21 inches or 53 centimetres.
Alternative form of sazhen [A unit of length formerly used in Russia, equal to seven feet.]
Alternative form of sazhen [A unit of length formerly used in Russia, equal to seven feet.]
A unit of length formerly used in Russia, equal to seven feet.
(historical) A Byzantine unit equal to 20,000 Greek feet or 33⅓ stades.
An obsolete unit of length defined as 6 inches, which equals 2 palms or ²⁄₃ span; today 6 inches equals exactly 15.24 cm. (Before the 12th century, a shaftment was defined as 6+¹⁄₂ inches.)
Alternative form of shaftment [An obsolete unit of length defined as 6 inches, which equals 2 palms or ²⁄₃ span; today 6 inches equals exactly 15.24 cm. (Before the 12th century, a shaftment was defined as 6+¹⁄₂ inches.)]
Alternative form of shaftment [An obsolete unit of length defined as 6 inches, which equals 2 palms or ²⁄₃ span; today 6 inches equals exactly 15.24 cm. (Before the 12th century, a shaftment was defined as 6+¹⁄₂ inches.)]
Alternative form of schoinion [(historical) A Byzantine unit equal to 20,000 Greek feet or 33⅓ stades.]
(humorous, chiefly Greater Boston) A unit of length defined as exactly sixty-seven inches (approximately 1.70 meters).
Abbreviation of square yard, a unit of area. [A unit of area (abbreviation sq yd or sq. yd.) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are one yard long (i.e. 3 feet by 3 feet or 9 square feet).]
a unit of area used for measuring small quantities of land. Equal in size to a square with sides 1 rod in length. Equal to 30¼ square yards or 1/160 acre.
(now historical) A Greek measure of length, being the chief one used for itinerary distances, also adopted by the Romans for nautical and astronomical measurements, equal to 600 Greek or 625 Roman feet, or 125 Roman paces, or to 606 feet, 9 inches.
A blue six-pointed star, outlined with a white border and usually featuring the Rod of Asclepius in the center. The symbol was originally designed and governed by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). It has since become a symbol of the emergency medical services in multiple countries.
A Greek unit of land area, now equal to a decare (1,000 m²) but (historical) previously 10,000 square Greek feet.
A traditional Japanese unit of length, approximately 30.3 millimetres (1.193 inches).
(historical) A former French unit of length, corresponding to about 1.949 metres.
(US, measurement, geodesy) A measurement unit for distance; the standard foot for surveying in the United States from 1893 to 2022; having a value of 1200/3937 metres (0.3048006096m). The US Survey Foot was replaced by the ISO standard international foot from 2022.
A unit of measurement of window frames, treating the combined width and height in inches as a single measure of length.
Unit of measure for areas, defined as 43,560 square feet,https://web.archive.org/web/20041204052555/http://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/230/235/appxc/appxc.htm or 4,046.8564224 square meters. A square mile has 640 acres.
A unit of length equal to ¹²⁰⁰⁄₃₉₃₇ of a meter, used in some states for measuring land.
(historical) A unit of length in the old Spanish system (equal to 0.8359 metres) or the old Portuguese system (equal to 1.1 metres).
(measurement, countable) A unit of length: a rod, pole or perch (5½ yards); or a unit of area: a square rod, pole or perch.
(historical) A unit of length in Ancient Greece.
A unit of length equal to 3 feet in the US customary and British imperial systems of measurement, equal to precisely 0.9144 m since 1959 (US) or 1963 (UK).
(South Australia, Northern Territory) Alternative form of gyro (Greek sandwich) [A gyroscope.]
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