Alternative form of let nature take its course [(idiomatic) To permit events to proceed or a situation to develop without intervention or interference.]
Alternative form of let nature take its course [(idiomatic) To permit events to proceed or a situation to develop without intervention or interference.]
Alternative form of laissez faire [(economics, politics) A policy of governmental non-interference in economic affairs.]
Alternative form of let nature take its course [(idiomatic) To permit events to proceed or a situation to develop without intervention or interference.]
(idiomatic) To permit events to proceed or a situation to develop without intervention or interference.
Alternative form of let sleeping dogs lie [(idiomatic) To leave things as they are; especially, to avoid restarting or rekindling an old argument; to leave disagreements in the past.]
Alternative form of let nature take its course [(idiomatic) To permit events to proceed or a situation to develop without intervention or interference.]
Alternative form of let nature take its course [(idiomatic) To permit events to proceed or a situation to develop without intervention or interference.]
To progress in a natural manner without interference.
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