Concept cluster: History > Jewish rituals and traditions
The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding nearly to the Gregorian April. After the Babylonish captivity this month was called Nisan.
(military) In some Spanish-speaking countries, a junior-ranking officer in the military.
Alternative form of bat mitzvah [(Judaism) A Jewish coming of age ceremony for a girl.]
(archaic, often derogatory, by extension) A grandee.
Alternative form of bentsh [(Judaism) To recite the Birkat Hamazon.]
alternate spelling of brit milah
(Judaism) An old wives' tale; a fairytale.
Alternative spelling of Chawmos [The most important Kalash festival, celebrated for two weeks at the winter solstice.]
Alternative spelling of challah [(countable) A traditional bread eaten by Ashkenazi Jews, usually braided for the Sabbath and round for a yom tov.]
Alternative form of Kislev (“month of Jewish calendar”) [(Judaism) The third month of the civil year and the ninth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Cheshvan and before Tevet.]
Alternative form of daven [(intransitive) to recite the Jewish liturgy; to pray]
Alternative spelling of dreidel [A four-sided spinning top, inscribed with the four Hebrew letters נ (nun), ג (gimel), ה (hey), and ש (shin) (or פ (pey)) on each side, often used to play a traditional game during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.]
Alternative spelling of dreidel [A four-sided spinning top, inscribed with the four Hebrew letters נ (nun), ג (gimel), ה (hey), and ש (shin) (or פ (pey)) on each side, often used to play a traditional game during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.]
Alternative spelling of dreidel [A four-sided spinning top, inscribed with the four Hebrew letters נ (nun), ג (gimel), ה (hey), and ש (shin) (or פ (pey)) on each side, often used to play a traditional game during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.]
Alternative form of eruv [(Jewish law, most commonly) An eruv chatzerot; ritual aggregation of properties that allows Jews observing traditional Shabbat rules to carry burdens across property lines.]
Alternative form of eruv [(Jewish law, most commonly) An eruv chatzerot; ritual aggregation of properties that allows Jews observing traditional Shabbat rules to carry burdens across property lines.]
Alternative spelling of genizah. [(Jewish law) A depository where sacred Hebrew books or other sacred items that by Jewish law cannot be disposed of are kept before they can be properly buried in a cemetery.]
Alternative form of gross national happiness [A particular indicator of a country's quality of life, developed in Bhutan in the 1970s.]
Alternative form of Havdalah [the Jewish ceremony that concludes the Sabbath or other Holy days.]
Alternative spelling of Cheshvan [(Judaism) The second month of the civil year and the eighth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Tishrei and before Kislev.]
Alternative letter-case form of Jewfro [A curly, bushy hairstyle worn by some Ashkenazi Jews.]
(Judaism) A Jewish prayer of praise to God recited during services, and specifically when mourning the death of a close relative.
(Judaism) A long black coat worn on certain occasions by members of the Chabad movement.
(Judaism) The ritual tearing of one’s clothes while in mourning, now typically the wearing of a torn black tie or ribbon.
A white linen or cotton robe worn by religious Ashkenazi Jews on holidays, in the synagogue, or at home when leading the Passover seder.
Alternative spelling of Qliphoth [Evil forces in the mystical teachings of Judaism (such as in the Kabballah).]
A note with a (general or specific) petitionary prayer, used in Hasidic Judaism.
Alternative spelling of koan [(Zen Buddhism) A story about a Zen master and his student, sometimes like a riddle, other times like a fable, which has become an object of Zen study, and which, when meditated upon, may unlock mechanisms in the Zen student’s mind leading to satori.]
Alternative spelling of machzor [(Judaism) A prayerbook for a Jewish holiday.]
(Judaism) Alternative spelling of mashgiach [(Judaism) Somebody who supervises the kashrut status of food in a restaurant.]
Alternative form of mikveh [(Judaism) A ritual bath in which various Jewish purifications are performed.]
(especially UK) Alternative spelling of mikveh [(Judaism) A ritual bath in which various Jewish purifications are performed.]
Alternative spelling of mikveh [(Judaism) A ritual bath in which various Jewish purifications are performed.]
Alternative spelling of mikveh [(Judaism) A ritual bath in which various Jewish purifications are performed.]
Alternative spelling of minyan [The minimum number of ten (male) adult Jews required for a communal religious service.]
Alternative form of mitzvah [(Judaism) Any of the 613 commandments of Jewish law]
On the Hebrew Calendar, the time at which a new month begins.
Alternative form of muktzeh [(Judaism) Of objects: restricted from being moved (and sometimes touched) during Shabbat and holidays.]
Alternative form of muktzeh [(Judaism) Of objects: restricted from being moved (and sometimes touched) during Shabbat and holidays.]
Alternative form of Mussaf [(Judaism) An additional prayer service recited on holy days (Shabbat, Yom Tov, Chol HaMoed, and Rosh Chodesh).]
Alternative form of neshama [(Judaism) The soul.]
(Judaism) The seventh month of the civil year and the first month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Adar and before Iyar.
Alternative spelling of petuhah [(Judaism) An open parashah (a section of a book in the Hebrew text of the Tanakh), set apart in roughly the same way as a paragraph would be in modern text.]
Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Saint, James. A saint named James
Alternative form of shehitah [The ritual slaughter of mammals and birds according to Jewish dietary laws.]
Alternative form of shalom [(countable) The traditional Jewish greeting of "shalom".]
(Judaism) A small, informal synagogue or shul.
A traditional Jewish prayer shawl with tassels which covers the chest and upper part of the back.
(Judaism) The tenth month of the civil year and the fourth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Sivan and before Av.
An annual Japanese festival, starting on 7 July, celebrating the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi (represented by the stars Vega and Altair), said to be separated at other times by the Milky Way.
Alternative form of tefilla [(countable, often in the plural) The Jewish phylactery, consisting of small boxes containing portions of the Torah worn most commonly during prayer by Jewish men and some Jewish women.]
A leather strap wrapped around the hand as part of tefillin.
Alternative form of tefilla [(countable, often in the plural) The Jewish phylactery, consisting of small boxes containing portions of the Torah worn most commonly during prayer by Jewish men and some Jewish women.]
Alternative form of teshuva [(Judaism) The Jewish concept of penitence.]
Alternative form of Tishrei [(Judaism) The first month of the civil year and the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Elul and before Cheshvan.]
Alternative form of tovel. [(Judaism) to immerse (something, especially kitchenware) into a mikveh]
(Judaism) A state of ritual impurity arising from contact with corpses, the corpses of certain non-kosher animals, certain bodily fluids, diseases, etc.
Alternative form of tzeniut [(Jewish law) Standards of modesty in dress and conduct, especially between the sexes.]
Alternative spelling of yahrzeit [(Judaism) The anniversary of a person's death, usually a parent's, often marked by the lighting of a memorial candle and other rituals.]
Alternative spelling of yahrzeit [(Judaism) The anniversary of a person's death, usually a parent's, often marked by the lighting of a memorial candle and other rituals.]
Alternative spelling of yahrzeit [(Judaism) The anniversary of a person's death, usually a parent's, often marked by the lighting of a memorial candle and other rituals.]
(historical) The office or jurisdiction of a zamindar.

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