Alternative spelling of A-list [(chiefly US) An informal list of people in any of several categories (but especially in the entertainment industry) who are most admired, desirable or bankable.]
Alternative form of all-rounder [(chiefly Britain) A versatile person, able to do many things well; used especially in reference to being good at various sports.]
Alternative form of all things to all people [(idiomatic) Someone or something that entirely satisfies the expectations of everyone, no matter how diverse and conflicting those expectations may be.]
Alternative form of all comers [Everyone who comes to a given event.]
Alternative form of all comers [Everyone who comes to a given event.]
Alternative form of and all
(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of anybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) Any person who is well-known or important, especially one who has prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of be-all and end-all [(idiomatic) Something considered to be of the utmost importance; something essential or ultimate.]
Alternative spelling of bigwig [(humorous) A person of importance to a group or organization.]
Alternative spelling of big shot [(idiomatic) A person with a reputation of importance or power.]
(Ireland, sometimes derogatory) A come-all-you; a popular Irish ballad.
Alternative form of be-all and end-all [(idiomatic) Something considered to be of the utmost importance; something essential or ultimate.]
Alternative form of be-all and end-all [(idiomatic) Something considered to be of the utmost importance; something essential or ultimate.]
(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
(obsolete) everyone (each one)
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
Alternative form of everybody who is anybody [(idiomatic) All of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.]
An everyman or everywoman.
Alternative form of know-everything [Synonym of know-it-all]
Alternative form of know someone from the man in the moon [Synonym of know someone from Adam]
Archaic spelling of nobody. [Someone who is not important or well-known.]
Alternative spelling of so-and-so [A placeholder name for a person or thing, used when a name is not known; a generic name.]
Anybody or everybody; random or unknown people.
All, everything, everyone; all that, all of those.
A very important person of high-ranking or spending power, used especially when anyone can obtain VIP treatment, to distinguish people with especially high requirements.
Alternative form of who's who [(countable, sometimes capitalized) A publication containing biographies of well-known or important people.]
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