A device, usually a foam block, placed in the corner of a control room or listening room in order to reduce unwanted low-frequency noises.
The bellow or bay of certain animals, such as a hound on the hunt or a stag in rut.
(idiomatic) The front bumper of a car when used to bump another vehicle, usually to inform the driver of the other vehicle that the first car would like to pass.
(intransitive) To shout in exultation or defiance; to brag.
(chiefly historical) A drinking vessel fashioned from an animal's horn.
(military, historical) An acoustic decoy used to confuse acoustic homing torpedoes by mechanically generating a loud noise while being towed some distance behind a ship.
(transitive) To revive with hartshorn smelling salts.
The sound produced by a typical car horn.
The horn in a motor vehicle.
(countable, automotive) A loud alarm, especially one on a motor vehicle.
Alternative form of hornguide [A part used in the fitting of axleboxes.]
(obsolete) A tune played on the horn very early in the morning to call out the hunters; hence, any rousing sound or call.
(archaic) A small portable container, often made of horn, used to carry ink.
Alternative form of inkhorn term [An obscure, affectedly or ostentatiously learned or erudite borrowing from another language, especially from Latin or Greek.]
Resembling or characteristic of a jig (dance).
A wooden horned mask used for folkloric and magical purposes.
Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see ram, horn.
A whistle intended to be blown by a person who believes he/she is in danger of being raped.
(archaic) A series of notes blown on a horn as a signal in hunting to call back the hounds when they have lost track of the game.
A technique used in the study of wild birds, by attaching a small, individually numbered, metal or plastic tag to their legs or wings.
A traditional Scandinavian toast, especially with aquavit.
Alternative spelling of tinhorn [(US) A contemptible or pretentious person, especially one who gambles for low stakes.]
(Australia) A willy-willy.
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