(linguistics) Of or relating to a class of Greek and Latin nouns that may refer to males or females but have a fixed grammatical gender (feminine, masculine, neuter, etc.).
Property of being epicene.
Obsolete form of epicene. [(linguistics) Of or relating to a class of Greek and Latin nouns that may refer to males or females but have a fixed grammatical gender (feminine, masculine, neuter, etc.).]
Obsolete spelling of epicene [(linguistics) Of or relating to a class of Greek and Latin nouns that may refer to males or females but have a fixed grammatical gender (feminine, masculine, neuter, etc.).]
Alternative form of eudaemonic [Of or pertaining to a eudaemon.]
The study of monsters or cryptids.
Relating to mystics or mysticism.
(rare) Dream-like experiences or qualities; dreaminess.
A seance or other session with a medium or fortuneteller.
A person who reads tarot cards; a tarotist.
A supernatural intervention in human affairs.
(neologism) The culture and practice of talking to tulpas (autonomous mental constructs with a persistent personality and identity).
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