Any rod, in an engine, that transmits power or motion, especially one that connects a reciprocating shaft to a rotating wheel, in reciprocating engines connecting piston to crankshaft
(automotive) Abbreviation of connecting rod. [Any rod, in an engine, that transmits power or motion, especially one that connects a reciprocating shaft to a rotating wheel, in reciprocating engines connecting piston to crankshaft]
(electrical engineering, rail transport) A measure of the maximum output, usually expressed in horsepower, that can be obtained from the motors of an electric locomotive for a period of one hour without the motors overheating.
The range of operating speeds under which an engine or motor is able to operate efficiently, defined by the range from peak torque to peak horsepower (or sometimes to redline).
A pole of wood or metal, used to transfer electricity from an overhead wire to power a tram, streetcar or trolley bus.
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