Alternative form of anthelmintic [(medicine) A drug for the treatment of intestinal worm infestation, either by killing the worms or by causing them to be expelled from the body.]
(pharmacology) Destructive to parasitic intestinal worms.
(pharmacology) A drug that inhibits the growth of fungi.
Alternative form of anthelmintic [(pharmacology) Destructive to parasitic intestinal worms.]
(medicine) Any of a class of macrocyclic lactones, produced by Streptomyces bacteria, that are used medically to kill parasites
A medicine containing bezoar.
The elimination of parasitic worms from an animal.
(medicine) Any dromotropic drug.
Obsolete form of narcotic. [(pharmacology) Any substance or drug that reduces pain, induces sleep and may alter mood or behaviour; in some contexts, especially in reference to the opiates-and-opioids class, especially in reference to illegal drugs, and often both.]
cardiac arrhythmia typically initiated by a therapeutic drug
The poisonous dried tips of this plant, with anthelmintic properties, used as a drug.
Alternative form of sheep-dip [A liquid formulation of insecticide and fungicide, used to protect sheep from infestation by external parasites.]
A medicine that destroys tapeworms.
(pharmacology) A drug or chemical agent that causes dilation of the blood vessels thereby reducing blood pressure.
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