(Sri Lanka) The bringing of land under cultivation.
(chiefly politics) A villainization campaign.
(business, politics) To tout a business or organization's commitment to social responsibility, and to use this perception for public relations and economic gain; to present a humanitarian front in this manner.
(rare) To rebrand, cover up or divert attention from amoral, illicit or criminal activities by establishing partnerships or connections with legitimate, value-based organizations e.g. NGOs.
(informal) A backlash against environmental concerns.
To disseminate such information about (something). Most often used to tout technologies, products, or ways of doing things that seem environmentally friendly but are actually not.
Acts of cleaning intended more for the purpose of making an area appear safe and clear of disease-causing agents than actually so.
The whitening of a black race.
(LGBT) To tout the gay-friendliness of something in an attempt to downplay or soften aspects of it considered negative.
The practice of presenting something as feminist, particularly a political action, in order to soften or downplay aspects of its reputation considered negative or as a justification for economic, political, xenophobic or racist goals.
(LGBT) The practice of a company presenting itself as gay-friendly to improve its brand image.
The practice of a state, organization, political party or company presenting itself as progressive and concerned about social equality and justice, in order to use this perception for public relations or economic gain.
To use sporting events to improve a polity's reputation, especially to distract from human rights abuses.
The act of removing or omitting nonstraight sexual orientations from an account of a person, relationship, or situation.
To engage in the sustainability analogue of greenwashing.
(politics) A campaign to paper over unfavorable elements.
To become wood, or woodlike.
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