Acronym of axion-like particle.
(physics) A unit of length equal to 10⁻¹⁰ meters (that is, one ten-billionth of a meter), approximately the size of an atom, and denoted by the symbol Å, used especially to measure the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation or distances between atoms.
A hypothetical analog to earth composed entirely of antimatter.
(astrophysics) A hypothetical planet composed of antimatter.
(astrophysics) A conjectured type of star formed from antimatter.
(astrophysics) A subatomic particle of cosmic origin
(physics) A massive scalar field proposed as a form of dark matter
(cosmogony) A mechanism in which the cosmological excess of baryons over antibaryons is generated from the rotation of the QCD axion.
(physics) The set of spectral lines of the hydrogen atom that correspond to transitions involving a principal quantum number n=2
(physics, astronomy) The generation of baryonic matter in the early moments of the Big Bang.
(astronomy) Any large aggregate of ordinary matter that does not emit light.
Dark matter traveling at classical, non-relativistic speeds
(astronomy) The universe's background particle radiation composed of neutrinos.
Abbreviation of cosmic neutrino background. [(astronomy) The universe's background particle radiation composed of neutrinos.]
(astronomy, astrophysics) A hypothetical form of energy which, it is supposed, is spread uniformly throughout space (and time) and has anti-gravitational properties: it represents a possible mechanism for the cosmological constant, and thus is one of the possible explanations for the current accelerating rate of expansion of the universe; and it is estimated to account for about 74% of the mass-energy of the universe.
(astronomy, cosmology) A linked phenomenon conjectured to explain dark matter and dark energy as different manifestations of the same underlying laws of gravity.
(astrophysics, cosmology, astronomy, physics) A hypothetical force of nature that acts on dark matter to allow dark matter to interact with itself.
(astronomy, astrophysics) Particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation but whose presence is inferred from gravitational effects.
(physics) Synonym of Debye length
(countable, astronomy) A quantum description of a black hole in superstring theory.
(particle physics) A type of dark matter that only interacts with normal matter through the force of gravity.
The radiation presumed to be given off by a black hole by quantum mechanical processes.
Dark matter traveling at ultra-relativistic velocities
(astronomy) An element which was not directly created after the Big Bang but instead formed through nuclear reactions; any element other than hydrogen and helium.
(physics) A proposed extension to Newtonian dynamics that would obviate the need to assume the presence of dark matter.
(astronomy, physics) dark matter comprising elementary particles whose composition is as yet unknown, but is presumed to be unlike normal protons, neutrons and electrons etc.
(astrophysics) A type of degenerate matter found within the crusts of neutron stars, where the competition between nuclear attraction and Coulomb repulsion forces of similar magnitude allows for the formation of a variety of complex structures assembled from neutrons and protons.
(cosmology, astrophysics, astronomy, physics) A category of dark energy, where dark energy is not fixed in amount nor in density, and continuously increases over time.
Three lines of singly ionized helium found, usually in absorption, in the spectra of hot stars, produced by transitions of an electron with principal quantum number n=4 state from a higher energy level.
(physics) The acceleration from rest to the speed of light in one Planck time.
(physics) The square of the Planck length, thought to be the quantum of area. Symbol is A_P.
(physics) The velocity equal to one Planck length per Planck time; equal to the speed of light. Symbol is v_P or c.
(physics) A natural unit of time, equivalent to the time it takes light to traverse one Planck length; it is the smallest duration of time that has physical meaning.
(physics) A hypothetical substance from which the universe is created.
(astronomy) A hypothetical exotic star composed of quark matter.
(cosmology) The epoch of recombination of the Universe, where atomic matter formed from free particles, combining protons with electrons. One of the Ages of the Universe. The cosmic era when neutral hydrogen formed out of the cosmic soup of protons and electrons in plasma, that condensed out of the energy of the Big Bang. This era produces the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).
plural of robust association of massive baryonic objects
(physics) A proposed very stable form of matter that protons and neutrons might decay into; matter composed of strangelets.
Dark matter traveling at relativistic speeds, less than ultra-relativistic particles, but more than classical particles.
(physics) Initialism of warm dark matter. [Dark matter traveling at relativistic speeds, less than ultra-relativistic particles, but more than classical particles.]
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