Ellipsis of abrupt appearance theory. [(creationism) A neo-creationist hypothesis which claims that the first life and the universe appeared abruptly, and that plants and animals appeared abruptly in complex form.]
(creationism) A neo-creationist hypothesis which claims that the first life and the universe appeared abruptly, and that plants and animals appeared abruptly in complex form.
(theology) The denial of creationism in all its forms (including intelligent design) and the assertion that evolution alone is responsible for the diversity of all living creatures.
(creationism) A group of similar holobaramins.
(creationism) A group of the originally created members of a baramin.
(creationism) A set of organisms descended from some originally created species (based on the Biblical doctrine of Special Creation); a kind.
(creationism, pseudoscience) The discredited theory that the speed of light has decreased over time, proposed by creationists in order to support the belief that the universe is a few thousand years old even though there are objects visible today that are billions of light years away (whereas a constant speed of light would indicate that the universe is billions of years old and so contradict this belief).
(rare) The belief that the cosmos is a living thing.
The creation story found in Genesis in the Bible or the Qur'an, presented by fundamentalists as if it were a literal scientific truth.
Any creationary belief, especially a belief that the origin of things is due to an event or process of creation brought about by the deliberate act of any divine agency, such as a Creator God (creator god).
(pseudoscience) A diagram referenced by Christian creationists that illustrates the alleged origins of multiple unrelated created kinds of species.
A nickname for the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895), related to his advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
Of or related to day-age creationism.
A type of Old Earth creationism which posits that the six days referred to in the Genesis account of creation are not ordinary 24-hour days, but are much longer periods (from thousands to billions of years).
Of or related to day-age creationism.
Evolution set forth by God but not guided thereafter.
The belief in deistic evolution.
Relating to ecomodernism
Relating to enhypostasia.
(rare, creationism) Evolution, when used as an explanation for anything that is yet unexplained by science.
A type of Old Earth creationism which posits theistic evolution.
A type of Old Earth creationism which posits that the six days referred to in the Genesis account of creation are literal 24-hour days, but that there was a gap of time between two distinct creations in the first and the second verses of Genesis. The hypothesis states that this explains many scientific observations, including the age of the Earth.
Synonym of gap creationism
(historical) A proponent of the iatromechanical theory.
Relating to Marxology.
(US) A member of an ethnic minority.
A model of cultural evolution associated with Leslie White and Julian Steward that seeks to define the forces that cause cultures to change.
Alternative form of Old Earth creationism [The belief that God created the universe and the Earth very long ago and that the universe and the Earth are as old as scientists suggest.]
Alternative form of Old Earth creationism [The belief that God created the universe and the Earth very long ago and that the universe and the Earth are as old as scientists suggest.]
Alternative form of Old Earth creationism [The belief that God created the universe and the Earth very long ago and that the universe and the Earth are as old as scientists suggest.]
(creationism) The proposition that God created the universe within the past few thousands of years but also introduced false evidence that the universe is of great age.
A type of Old Earth creationism which posits that God created new forms of life gradually over a period of hundreds of millions of years.
(theology) The concept that the world may be conceived as being created anew at every instant in time.
(microeconomics) Indicates the derivation of the mathematics or the effect to have come from, and be credited to, Slutsky's early 20th-century work.
(medicine, of pain) Acronym of site, onset, character, radiation, associations, timecourse, exacerbating and relieving factors, and severity. [(obsolete) Sorrow, grief.]
In creationism, a theological doctrine which asserts that the origin of the universe and all life in it suddenly sprang into being by unconditional fiat or divine decree.
(US, euphemistic, creationism) To teach that life forms may have been created (almost) in their current form by a sentient being in a manner consistent with Christian dogmata, rather than as a result of ordinary evolution, and that the theory of evolution is controversial.
Evolution guided by God.
Synonym of evolutionary creationism
Synonym of Thoreauesque
(uncountable) Initialism of Young Earth creationism. [(creationism, pseudoscience) Belief that the universe and the Earth are 6,000 to 10,000 years old as inferred from a literal interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis.]
Alternative form of Young Earth creationism [(creationism, pseudoscience) Belief that the universe and the Earth are 6,000 to 10,000 years old as inferred from a literal interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis.]
Alternative form of Young Earth creationism [(creationism, pseudoscience) Belief that the universe and the Earth are 6,000 to 10,000 years old as inferred from a literal interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis.]
Alternative form of Young Earth creationism [(creationism, pseudoscience) Belief that the universe and the Earth are 6,000 to 10,000 years old as inferred from a literal interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis.]
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