Concept cluster: Music > Christian liturgical music (2)
(Western Christianity) A liturgical chant recited as part of the Mass, beginning with those words, or the music to which it is set.
A school's anthem or song.
Alternative form of antimins [(Christianity) A rectangular piece of linen or silk, usually decorated with religious emblems and inscriptions, and containing a small relic of a martyr.]
(religion) The specification of individual saints in the prayers for the dead.
A letter to Lord Alfred Douglas written by Oscar Wilde while he was imprisoned for gross indecency (homosexual acts). The title is a reference to the 130th psalm.
In the Church of the SubGenius parody religion, an event including sermons, music, etc.
A Roman Catholic service for the dead, being the first antiphon of matins for the dead, of which dirige is the first word; a dirge.
(Christianity) A service book containing the musical portions of the Mass.
A hymnbook containing kontakia.
(music) A setting of the traditional kyrie text to music for a Mass.
Lutheran Book of Worship (hymnal)
A musical setting of parts of the mass.
Continual prayer on a dead person's behalf for a period after their death.
The 51st Psalm, sometimes set to music.
(music) a mass, in the sense of a composition setting several sung parts of the liturgical service (most often chosen from the ordinary parts Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Agnus Dei and/or Sanctus) to music, notably when the text in Latin is used (as long universally prescribed by Rome)
a religious memorial service held for the deceased one month after their funeral.
A picture intended to be a memorial of the dead.
A canticle from a text in the second chapter of Luke in the Bible, often used as the final song in a religious service.
(Western Christianity) One of the antiphons sung or read at vespers at the end of Advent, in the days immediately before Christmas, each beginning “O …” in Latin and English, addressing Christ and beseeching him to come; the basis for the hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”.
One of the figures of a quadrille.
(historical) A type of Occitan lyric poetry in which a knight meets a shepherdess.
a type of poetry concerning the romance of a shepherdess
(Roman Catholicism) The vespers sung in the office for the dead.
A mass (especially Catholic) to honor and remember a dead person.
(Christianity, music) A mass sung for the repose of the soul of a dead person
Obsolete form of psalter. [(Christianity) Synonym of Psalms, particularly when printed as a separate work from the Bible.]
(music) A hymn, sung in Latin, telling of the sorrow of the Virgin Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the music for this hymn
An early Christian hymn of praise.
Part of the proper of the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations, used instead of the alleluia during Lenten or pre-Lenten seasons, in a Requiem Mass, and on a few other penitential occasions.
An Irish dirge, or song to mourn the dead.

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