Any substance that gives rise to air pollution
A small oven or furnace, used for the calcination of sand and potash, and converting them into frit.
(nonstandard, non-native speakers' English) To calcify.
(transitive) To make something hard and stony by impregnating with calcium salts.
To coat with this substance.
The process of calcining: heating a substance to a high temperature, but below its melting point, to bring about thermal decomposition.
(alchemy, historical) To heat (a substance) to remove its impurities and refine it.
A device or container in which calcination takes place.
Alternative form of calorisator [An apparatus used in beet-sugar factories to heat the juice in order to aid diffusion.]
Alternative form of calcimine [To coat with this substance.]
(now chiefly historical) The substance which remains after a metal or mineral has been thoroughly burnt, once seen as being the essential substance left after the expulsion of phlogiston, but now recognised as being the metallic oxide (or, in some cases, the metal in a state of sublimation).
(transitive, dated, also figuratively) To make a carbonado of; to score and broil.
To reduce by strong heat, as to produce charcoal or coke; to calcine.
Treated or coated with emery; emeried
(mineralogy) To split into scales, especially to become converted into scales as the result of heat or decomposition.
Alternative spelling of gold-plated [Having a thin layer of gold applied to the surface, often by electrolysis.]
A structureless mixture of martensite and austenite.
(chemistry, dated) A substance of variable composition, but resembling a soft, dark-coloured metal, used in the bearings of machines to reduce friction, and as a substitute for lubricants.
(firearms) The metallic fouling of a gun's bore with fragments of bullet casing.
(historical) A process that uses mercury amalgamation to extract silver from ore.
The (typically undesirable) increase in concentration and or of deposition of water-borne silt in a body of water.
(rare) To coat with sunblock incorporating zinc oxide.
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