Concept cluster: Recreation > Bridge bidding and strategies
(video games, uncountable) In a game with multiple players, an indicator or identifier of player 2.
(bridge) A bidding system, commonly used in the British Commonwealth, in which bidding is kept as natural as possible.
(bridge) The overcaller's partner, especially one who bids following the overcall.
(blackjack) The last player in sequence, seated furthest to the right of the dealer.
(bridge) A bidding system in which the responder does not support a partner's bid suit without 4 card support or 3 cards plus a Queen or higher, never passes an opening 1 bid while holding one and a half honor tricks or more, always responds with an indication of hand strength, and in which a 2 opener or jump bid is considered forcing to game. No Trump is used as a negative response when forced to bid.
(card games) A precursor to the game of contract bridge.
(bridge) Pertaining to points scored for tricks bid and won, which count towards game.
(transitive, intransitive, card games) To announce (one's goal), before starting play.
(Internet slang, poker, historical) The conclusion of United States v. Scheinberg in 15 April 2011, after which major online poker sites stopped offering real money play to their United States customers.
Either of the two highest trumps in euchre.
(card games) A card game played with four players playing as two teams of two players each.
A variety of whist with the additional rules that the players would take turns as dummy and that the trump suit would be deliberately chosen (including the option not to have one) on each deal rather than random
(bridge) Designating a category of contract bridge conventional agreements that are difficult to defend against, and thus only permitted at high levels of tournament play.
A statement of a particular state, or rule, made in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on.
A person who uses card counting in pontoon or blackjack in order to obtain an advantage.
(game theory) An extensive form game in which two players take turns choosing either to take a slightly larger share of an increasing pot, or to pass the pot to the other player. The payoffs are arranged so that if one passes the pot to one's opponent and the opponent takes the pot on the next round, one receives slightly less than if one had taken the pot on this round, but after an additional switch the potential payoff will be higher. Therefore, although at each round a player has an incentive to take the pot, it would be better for them to wait.
(bridge) A play of a designated card as a prompt to one's partner to respond with a play indicating the kinds of card he/she holds.
(bridge) The declarer's undertaking to win the number of tricks bid with a stated suit as trump.
A card game in which four players, forming two partnerships, first bid then play by taking tricks.
(transitive, poker, usually "be counterfeited") Of a turn or river card, to invalidate a player's hand by making a better hand on the board.
(bridge) A bid of a suit that has already been bid by opponents.
(blackjack) A brightly coloured plastic card that serves to mark the point where the dealer will reshuffle the cards, to allow the player to cut the deck prior to dealing, and to prevent the bottom card from being exposed during play.
(bridge) The person who wins the bidding and so declares what suit will be trump.
(poker, slang, derogatory) A poker tournament with a poor standard of play.
(bridge) A call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract.
(poker) To trade in cards for replacements in draw poker games; to attempt to improve one's hand with future cards. See also draw out.
The commonest variation of contract bridge in club and tournament play, in which the same deal of cards is played at each table and scoring is based on relative performance.
(bridge) The final stage of a game of bridge, when there are few cards left.
(bridge) A tactical play in which a defender is put on lead at a strategic moment, and then has to make a play that loses one or more tricks
(bridge) To play a falsecard
(intransitive, poker) To withdraw from betting.
(card games) To play a card of the same suit as the previous or leading card.
(bridge) Pertaining to a bid which requires partner to continue bidding rather than pass.
(poker) Initialism of fancy play syndrome, the act of playing in a reckless way.
(bridge) A style of play in which the cards are not thoroughly shuffled between consecutive deals, so as to make the suits less evenly distributed between the players.
(historical) A Native American gambling game, involving guessing the whereabouts of bits of ivory or similar, which are passed rapidly from hand to hand.
(bridge) The holding back of a card that could win a trick in order to use it later.
(bridge) Initialism of highly unusual method: any of a class of contract bridge bidding systems that require advance preparation to contend with, and are usually restricted to the highest levels of tournament play.
(bridge) A bid that tells one's partner that game or slam is likely if their hand is at the strong end of what they have indicated.
(bridge) A convention in most bridge bidding systems initiated by responder following partner's no-trump opening bid that forces opener to rebid in the suit ranked just above that bid by responder.
(uncountable, bridge) In contract bridge, an ace asking convention initiated by the first step above four of the agreed trump suit.
(card games) One of the 52 playing cards in a standard deck.
(bridge) A hand which is so strong that the declarer can simply expose it and claim the number of tricks required by his or her contract.
(bridge) The number of cards held in a particular suit.
(bridge) A bid that describes the bidders hand fairly precisely (indicating a small range of high card points and some indication of shape.)
(bridge, whist) The winning of 12 out of the 13 tricks.
(gambling) To match the first player's bet with one's own, rather than dropping out.
(bridge) Incorrect bidding.
(bridge) A coup in contract bridge that forces an opponent to choose between letting declarer establish extra tricks in the suit led, or losing the opportunity to win any trick in the suit led.
(bridge) A pattern in which pairs change opponents and boards move from table to table in duplicate bridge.
(bridge) A bidding convention, a two-level preemptive opening based on a two-suiter with precisely a five-card major and a minor suit (four-card or longer). The 2♥ opening denotes five hearts and an unknown minor suit, whilst 2♠ denotes five spades and an unknown minor suit.
(bridge) A contract bridge convention whereby the opening bid of 2♦ shows several possible types of hands.
(Internet poker) To play in multiple tables simultaneously.
(poker) A must-move game or table.
(bridge) A conventional agreement to open hands with a long major suit that are too strong for a direct preemptive opening with a 'two-under' transfer bid. When the long suit is in hearts, opener bids 4♣, and when it is in spades, opener bids 4♦.
(bridge) Bidding in an intuitive way that reflects one's actual hand.
Synonym of a few cards shy of a full deck
(card games) The player who starts the betting.
(bridge) A trick won by the declarer's side which exceeds the amount of the contract
(bridge) A trick score less than 100, obtained by making a contract.
(bridge) A placeholder for a pair of players when there are an odd number of pairs playing.
(bridge) A bidding system that makes use of many artificial bids to describe a hand quite precisely.
(bridge, of a high-level bid) Intended to interfere with an opponent's bidding.
(gambling) The trick of apparently cutting the cards while leaving the deck in the same sequence as before.
To play a card or a hand in the game called put.
(bridge) To bid a higher value of the current suit.
(bridge) An optional bid made by the side currently holding the highest bid for the contract, after the opposing side has doubled.
(card games) To play a card as a result of another player's lead.
(poker) A game variant in which players progressively reveal their cards.
A system of bidding in bridge.
The original form of contract bridge; so called because bonuses are awarded for scoring sufficient points to win games and thereby a rubber, which is the best of three games.
(poker slang) A competitor in a poker tournament.
(bridge) To force a partner's hand conditionally
(poker slang, transitive, intransitive) To go all in.
(poker) A multitable poker tournament in which only the last player on a table goes on to the next.
Alternative form of short stack [(poker) A relatively small quantity of chips relative to the stakes.]
(bridge) A bid indicating that one's partner should pass.
(bridge) A contract for six odd tricks
(gambling) A division of a stake happening when two cards of the kind on which the stake is laid are dealt in the same turn.
(transitive, poker) To take all the money another player currently has on the table.
(card games) To stop asking for more cards; to keep one's hand as it has been dealt so far.
(bridge) A double of an opponent's bid, intended to invite one's partner to compete in the auction, rather than to penalise one's opponents.
(bridge) A double, usually indicating strength and a desire to play the hand; partner is expected to "take out" by making a bid.
(card games) The remaining stock of undealt cards.
(card games) In card playing, to accidentally reveal one's cards or hand.
(bridge) A conventional bid which requests partner to bid the next available suit.
(poker, obsolete) The flop (the first three community cards) in Texas hold 'em.
(card games) The next card taken from the top of a pack of cards and displayed.
(bridge) To lead a low card when holding the top card or cards in a suit.
(bridge) A trick that declarer does not win, causing the contract to go down.
Any electronic, console-based version of poker.
(informal, poker) A World Poker Tour event.

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