Concept cluster: Chemistry > Atomic mass
(physics) The only stable isotope of aluminium, ²⁷₁₃Al, having thirteen protons and fourteen neutrons
(physics) A rare stable isotope of argon, ³⁶₁₈Ar, having eighteen protons and eighteen neutrons; it amounts to about 0.3% of the element in nature
(physics) A rare stable isotope of argon, ³⁸₁₈Ar, having eighteen protons and twenty neutrons; it amounts to about 0.06% of the element in nature
(physics) The major stable isotope of argon, ⁴⁰₁₈Ar, having eighteen protons and twenty-two neutrons; it amounts to about 99.6% of the element in nature
(physics) The only stable isotope of beryllium, ⁹₄Be, having four protons and five neutrons
(physics) Having the electron configuration of beryllium
(physics) A stable isotope, ¹⁰₅B, having five protons and five neutrons, that makes up about 20% of natural boron; it is a good absorber of slow neutrons and is used as a radiation shield in Geiger counters
(physics) A stable isotope, ¹¹₅B, having five protons and six neutrons, that makes up about 80% of natural boron.
A radioactive isotope of caesium, ¹³⁷₅₅Cr, having 55 protons and 82 neutrons and which is formed mainly as a fission product by nuclear fission.
(physics) The major stable isotope of calcium, ⁴⁰₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty neutrons; it amounts to almost 97% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of calcium, ⁴²₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty-two neutrons; it amounts to about 0.6% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of calcium, ⁴³₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty-three neutrons; it amounts to about 0.1% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of calcium, ⁴⁴₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty-four neutrons; it amounts to about 2% of the element in nature
(physics) A radioactive isotope of calcium, ⁴⁵₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty-five neutrons, and a half-life of 162.6 days; it is used as a tracer in studying calcium metabolism. As it decays it undergoes transformation (nuclear transmutation) via electron emission, also called negative beta decay (β−-decay), into scandium.
(physics) A rare stable isotope of calcium, ⁴⁶₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty-six neutrons; it amounts to only 0.004% of the element in nature
(physics) A naturally-occurring radioactive isotope of calcium, ⁴⁸₂₀Ca, having twenty protons and twenty-eight neutrons, and a half-life of 4.3x10¹⁹ years
(physics) the less common of the two stable isotopes of carbon, ¹³₆C, having six protons and seven neutrons
(physics) The major stable isotope of chlorine, ³⁵₁₇Cl, having seventeen protons and eighteen neutrons; it amounts to about 76% of the element in nature
(physics) A long-lived radioactive isotope of chlorine, ³⁶₁₇Cl, having seventeen protons and nineteen neutrons, and a half-life of 3x10⁵ years; it can be used to date samples of groundwater
(physics) The minor stable isotope of chlorine, ³⁷₁₇Cl, having seventeen protons and twenty neutrons; it amounts to about 24% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of chromium, ⁵³₂₄Cr, having 24 protons and 29 neutrons; it amounts to about 9% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of chromium, ⁵⁴₂₄Cr, having 24 protons and 30 neutrons; it amounts to about 2% of the element in nature
(chemistry, rare) Containing or pertaining to trivalent curium.
A highly fissile transuranic chemical element (symbol Cm) with an atomic number of 96.
(dated) deuteron
(physics) An artificial radioisotope of fluorine, ¹⁸₉F, having 9 protons and 9 neutrons, that is an important industrial source of positrons
(physics) The only stable isotope of fluorine, ¹⁹₉F; it has nine protons and ten neutrons
(uncountable) The second lightest chemical element (symbol He) with an atomic number of 2 and atomic weight of 4.002602, a colorless, odorless and inert noble gas.
(physics) The rare isotope of helium, ³₂He, that has a single neutron
The lightest chemical element (symbol H), with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794.
(physics) The isotope of thorium ²³⁰₉₀Th
(physics) A minor stable isotope of iron, ⁵⁴₂₆Fe, having 26 protons and 28 neutrons; it amounts to about 6% of the element in nature
(physics) The major stable isotope of iron, ⁵⁶₂₆Fe, having 26 protons and 30 neutrons; it amounts to about 92% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of iron, ⁵⁷₂₆Fe, having 26 protons and 31 neutrons; it amounts to about 2% of the element in nature
(physics) A radioactive isotope, ⁸⁵₃₆Kr, having thirty-six protons and forty-nine neutrons
(chemistry, physics) the progressive decrease in the radii of atoms of the lanthanide elements as the atomic number increases; evident in various physical properties of the elements and their compounds
(physics) A stable isotope ⁶₃Li, having three protons and three neutrons, that makes up about 7% of natural lithium; it is used in the nuclear industry.
(physics) A stable isotope, ⁷₃Li, having three protons and four neutrons, that makes up about 93% of natural lithium.
(physics) The major stable isotope of magnesium, ²⁴₁₂Mg, having twelve protons and twelve neutrons; it amounts to about 79% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of magnesium, ²⁵₁₂Mg, having twelve protons and thirteen neutrons; it amounts to about 10% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of magnesium, ²⁶₁₂Mg, having twelve protons and fourteen neutrons; it amounts to about 11% of the element in nature
(physics) The only stable isotope of manganese, ⁵⁵₂₅Mn, having 25 protons and 30 neutrons
(countable) A single atom of this element.
(physics) The major stable isotope of neon, ²⁰₁₀Ne, having ten protons and ten neutrons; it amounts to over 90% of the element in nature
(physics) A rare stable isotope of neon, ²¹₁₀Ne, having ten protons and eleven neutrons; it amounts to less than 0.3% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of neon, ²²₁₀Ne, having ten protons and twelve neutrons; it amounts to about 9% of the element in nature
(physics) A radioactive isotope of nitrogen, ¹³₇N, having seven protons and six neutrons, and a half-life of less than ten minutes; it is used in positron emission tomography
(physics) A stable isotope of nitrogen, ¹⁴₇N, having seven protons and seven neutrons; it accounts for over 99% of the natural element.
(physics) A stable isotope of nitrogen, ¹⁵₇N, having seven protons and eight neutrons; it accounts for less than 0.4% of the natural element; it is used in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(physics) The major stable isotope of oxygen, ¹⁶₈O, having eight protons and eight neutrons; it amounts to over 99% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of oxygen, ¹⁸₈O, having eight protons and ten neutrons; it amounts to about 0.2% of the element in nature
(physics) The only stable isotope of phosphorus, ³¹₁₅P, having fifteen protons and sixteen neutrons
(physics) The major stable isotope of potassium, ³⁹₁₉K, having nineteen protons and twenty neutrons; it amounts to over 93% of the element in nature
An atom of this isotope.
(physics, rare) A highly unstable synthetic isotope of the element hydrogen, ⁴₁H, having one proton and three neutrons.
(physics) The radioactive isotope of actinium, ²²⁷₈₉Ac, having a half-life of 21.7 years
(physics) the only stable isotope of scandium, ⁴⁵₂₁Sc, having twenty-one protons and twenty-four neutrons
(physics) The major stable isotope of silicon, ²⁸₁₄Si, having fourteen protons and fourteen neutrons; it amounts to over 92% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of silicon, ²⁹₁₄Si, having fourteen protons and fifteen neutrons; it amounts to almost 5% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of silicon, ³⁰₁₄Si, having fourteen protons and sixteen neutrons; it amounts to 3% of the element in nature
(physics) The major stable isotope of sulfur, ³²₁₆S, having sixteen protons and sixteen neutrons; it amounts to 95% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of sulfur, ³³₁₆S, having sixteen protons and seventeen neutrons; it amounts to less than 1% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of sulfur, ³⁴₁₆S, having sixteen protons and eighteen neutrons; it amounts to about 4% of the element in nature
(physics) A radioactive isotope of sulfur, ³⁵₁₆S, having sixteen protons and nineteen neutrons, and a half-life of about 87 days; it is used as a tracer
(physics) A minor stable isotope of sulfur, ³⁶₁₆S, having sixteen protons and twenty neutrons; it amounts to only 0.01% of the element in nature
Alternative form of super-heavy water [(chemistry) Water containing tritium instead of normal hydrogen (symbol T₂O).]
The radioactive isotope of tellurium ¹²⁸₅₂Te
(physics) A radioactive isotope of thorium, ²²⁸₉₀Th, having a half-life of 1.4 x 10¹⁰ years; it occurs naturally, and is a source of nuclear energy
(physics) The isotope of radon ²²⁰₈₆Rn
(rare) Uranium-236.
(physics) A minor stable isotope of titanium, ⁴⁶₂₂Ti, having twenty-two protons and twenty-four neutrons; it amounts to about 8% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of titanium, ⁴⁷₂₂Ti, having twenty-two protons and twenty-five neutrons; it amounts to about 7% of the element in nature.
(physics) The major stable isotope of titanium, ⁴⁸₂₂Ti, having twenty-two protons and twenty-six neutrons; it amounts to about 74% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of titanium, ⁴⁹₂₂Ti, having twenty-two protons and twenty-seven neutrons; it amounts to about 5% of the element in nature
(physics) A minor stable isotope of titanium, ⁵⁰₂₂Ti, having twenty-two protons and twenty-eight neutrons; it amounts to about 5% of the element in nature
Any element lying beyond uranium in the periodic table.
(physics) A fissile isotope of uranium, used for energy generation and in atomic weapons, containing one hundred and forty-three neutrons. It has a half-life of 7·038×10⁸ years; it decays into thorium-231 and ultimately lead.
(physics) The naturally-occurring radioactive isotope of vanadium, ⁵⁰₂₃V, having twenty-three protons and twenty-seven neutrons; its half-life is 1.5 x 10¹⁷ years
(physics) The only stable isotope of vanadium, ⁵¹₂₃V, having twenty-three protons and twenty-eight neutrons

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