(medicine) Any natural herbal substance (such as ginseng) that is supposed to help the body adapt to stress, and to exert a normalizing effect upon body functions.
(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical) A medical remedy for protecting the body, or an antidote, against a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom (specifically, that of a snake); an alexipharmic, an antidote.
(obsolete) Alternative form of alexipharmic [(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical) Synonym of alexipharmac (“of or pertaining to an alexipharmac; also, acting as an alexipharmac by protecting against or warding off the ill effects of a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom”)]
(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical, also figuratively) Synonym of alexipharmac (“a medical remedy for protecting the body, or an antidote, against harmful substances, especially a poison or venom (specifically, that of a snake)”); an antidote.
Alternative form of alexipharmic [(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical) Synonym of alexipharmac (“of or pertaining to an alexipharmac; also, acting as an alexipharmac by protecting against or warding off the ill effects of a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom”)]
(pharmacology, also attributive) A substance which a patient experiences as harmful due to a previous negative perception, but which is in fact pharmacologically (medicinally) inactive.
(sports pharmacology) an exemption to allow use of a banned substance for therapeutic purposes so that a ban from competition will not result when testing returns positive results
(rare) Resembling or characteristic of a vaccination.
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