Concept cluster: Health > Antidote
(medicine) Any natural herbal substance (such as ginseng) that is supposed to help the body adapt to stress, and to exert a normalizing effect upon body functions.
(biochemistry, dated) A protective substance that exists in the serum or other bodily fluid and is capable of killing microorganisms; complement.
(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical) A medical remedy for protecting the body, or an antidote, against a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom (specifically, that of a snake); an alexipharmic, an antidote.
(obsolete) Alternative form of alexipharmic [(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical) Synonym of alexipharmac (“of or pertaining to an alexipharmac; also, acting as an alexipharmac by protecting against or warding off the ill effects of a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom”)]
An antidote to a poison.
(obsolete) Something which protects against, or cures, a poison; an antidote.
Alternative form of alexipharmacon [An antidote to a poison.]
(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical, also figuratively) Synonym of alexipharmac (“a medical remedy for protecting the body, or an antidote, against harmful substances, especially a poison or venom (specifically, that of a snake)”); an antidote.
Alternative form of alexipharmic [(pharmacology, chiefly archaic or historical) Synonym of alexipharmac (“of or pertaining to an alexipharmac; also, acting as an alexipharmac by protecting against or warding off the ill effects of a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom”)]
A preservative against the effects of poison.
Synonym of antifouling
(biology) A laboratory procedure in which samples of a bacterium are treated with a variety of antibiotics.
Synonym of contraceptive
Of, or relating to antisepsis, or the use of antiseptics.
Self-destruction of a species through the production of chemicals that escape into the environment and directly inhibit the growth of that species.
Having or relating to avitaminosis.
Involving megadoses of vitamins.
An intravenous mixture of vitamins and minerals used in naturopathic treatments.
(pharmacology, also attributive) A substance which a patient experiences as harmful due to a previous negative perception, but which is in fact pharmacologically (medicinally) inactive.
Alternative form of nutraceutical
(medicine, pharmacology) Exhibiting pharmacovigilance.
(medicine) any of several classes of antibiotics produced by plants in response to microorganisms
(South Africa, archaic) Of an animal, vaccinated against or having recovered from a disease.
Alternative form of stoss therapy [(medicine) The administration of a single very large dose of vitamin D to treat rickets.]
Relating to supernutrition
(medicine, obsolete) Preserving health; prophylactic.
(sports pharmacology) an exemption to allow use of a banned substance for therapeutic purposes so that a ban from competition will not result when testing returns positive results
(rare) Resembling or characteristic of a vaccination.

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