(mathematics) Any member of a certain polynomial sequence whose nth term is of the form p_n(x)=x(x-an)ⁿ⁻¹.
(group theory, of a group, semigroup, etc.) Whose operator is identified as addition.
(algebra) Any of certain algebraic objects (ring, field or vector space, etc., whose definition includes a commutative operation called addition) regarded as a group under addition.
(complex analysis, differential geometry) A geometric counterpart to Nevanlinna theory that extends the applicability of the concept of covering surface (of a topological space) by defining a covering number (a generalised "degree of covering") applicable to any bordered Riemann surface equipped with a conformal Riemannian metric.
(mathematics) A version of the Alexander polynomial that can be computed using a skein relation.
(algebra) A vector space (over some field) with an additional binary operation, a vector-valued product between vectors, which is bilinear over vector addition and scalar multiplication. (N.B.: such bilinearity implies distributivity of the vector multiplication with respect to the vector addition, which means that such a vector space is also a ring.)
(algebra, field theory, of a field F) A field G such that every polynomial over F splits completely over G (i.e., every element of G is a root of some polynomial over F and every root of every polynomial over F is an element of G).
(algebra, number theory) A real or complex number (more generally, an element of a number field) which is a root of a monic polynomial whose coefficients are integers; equivalently, an algebraic number whose minimal polynomial (lowest-degree polynomial of which it is a root and whose leading coefficient is 1) has integer coefficients.
(algebra, number theory) A complex number (more generally, an element of a number field) that is a root of a polynomial whose coefficients are integers; equivalently, a complex number (or element of a number field) that is a root of a monic polynomial whose coefficients are rational numbers.
(algebra, field theory, of a field) Which contains as an element every root of every nonconstant univariate polynomial definable over it (i.e., over said field).
(mathematics) Any polynomial sequence p_n(x)_(n=0,1,2,…) satisfying the identity d/(dx)p_n(x)=np_n-1(x), and in which p_0(x) is a non-zero constant.
(algebra) A module over a ring together with an associative bilinear module-element-valued operator between module elements which together with the abelian group feature of the module makes a ring.
(mathematics) A result about injectivity and surjectivity of polynomials, often given as this special case: If P is an injective polynomial function from an n-dimensional complex vector space to itself then P is bijective. The full theorem generalizes to any algebraic variety over an algebraically closed field.
(mathematics) The limit of two (or more) objects, considered without regard to any arrows between them.
(group theory, ring theory) The subgroup (respectively, subring), denoted Z(G), of those elements of a given group (respectively, ring) G that commute with every element of G.
(linear algebra) The polynomial produced from a given square matrix by first subtracting the appropriate identity matrix multiplied by an indeterminant and then calculating the determinant.
(mathematics) The branch of algebra concerned with commutative rings and objects related to them (such as ideals and modules).
(algebra, ring theory) A ring whose multiplicative operation is commutative.
(mathematics, of a category) In which all small limits exist.
(algebra, field theory, of an element of an extension field) Given a field extension L / K and an element α ∈ L, any other element β ∈ L that is another root of the minimal polynomial of α over K.
(algebra, group theory) The set that results from applying a group's binary operation with a given fixed element of the group on each element of a given subgroup.
(mathematics) A prime number that is a solution to one of two specific equations involving third powers of x and y. The two equations are p=(x³-y³)/(x-y),x=y+1,y>0 and p=(x³-y³)/(x-y),x=y+2,y>0.
The complement of an intersection is the union of the complements; as expressed by: (𝐴 ∩ 𝐵)′ = 𝐴′ ∪ 𝐵′
(linear algebra) A scalar that encodes certain characteristics of a given transformation matrix; the unique scalar function over square matrices which is distributive over matrix multiplication, multilinear in the rows and columns, and takes the value 1 for the unit matrix; abbreviated as: det.
(mathematics) The object obtained as the limit of a convergent sequence of directed graphs.
(mathematics) A theory of integral equations, concerning itself in the narrowest sense with the solution of the Fredholm integral equation.
(algebra) a free module over the ring of integers
(group theory) A group that has a presentation without relators; equivalently, a free product of some number of copies of ℤ.
(algebra) A module that has a basis. Equivalently, a module consisting of n-tuples of ring elements with no extra identities. (Then the number n is said to be its rank.) Equivalently, a direct sum whose summands are all the same ring. (The quantity of summands may be more than two.)
(algebra) A monoid whose underlying set is the Kleene closure of some set of generators, and whose operator is concatenation.
(mathematics) A group formed from others by concatenating their presentations (when those presentations are written with disjoint sets of generators).
(linear algebra) A method of reducing an augmented matrix to reduced row echelon form.
(mathematics) A first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding a local minimum of a differentiable function.
(algebraic geometry) An important generalization of the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem about complex manifolds.
(geometry, archaic) An effective divisor on a curve.
(algebra) Any one of the unital composition algebras identified by Hurwitz's theorem (on composition algebras) as solutions to the Hurwitz problem.
(mathematics) Synonym of Sendov's conjecture
(linear algebra) A generalization of the dot product for vectors of any dimensionality that may or may not be complex-numbered.
(algebra) A subset of the Cartesian product of all the members of an inverse system, such that a member M of the subset is a sort of “cross section” of the inverse system (as fiber bundle) induced by the morphisms of it. (If i
Used to specify certain mathematical objects named in honour of C. G. J. Jacobi.
(mathematics, representation theory) A member P_(y,w)(q) of a certain family of integral polynomials that are indexed by pairs of elements y, w of a Coxeter group W, which can in particular be the Weyl group of a Lie group.
(mathematics) An expression for the determinant |B| of an n × n matrix B that is a weighted sum of the determinants of n submatrices (or minors) of B, each of size (n − 1) × (n − 1).
(mathematics) A module over a commutative ring with a bilinear product satisfying the Leibniz identity.
(algebra, field theory) For a given Galois field 𝔽_(qᵐ) and a suitable element β, a basis that has the form {β, β^q, β^(q2), ... , β^(qm-1)}.
(algebra) A bounded distributive lattice with a dual endomorphism (where “dual” means that it satisfies De Morgan’s laws).
(group theory, of an element of a group) For given group G and element g ∈ G, the smallest positive natural number n, if it exists, such that (using multiplicative notation), gⁿ = e, where e is the identity element of G; if no such number exists, the element is said to be of infinite order (or sometimes zero order).
(mathematics) A one-to-one mapping from a finite set to itself.
(mathematics) The dimension of a canonical ring.
(mathematics) Locally the real part of a holomorphic function of several complex variables.
(mathematics) A subfunctor of the identity functor in the category of left modules over a ring with identity.
(algebra) A module which is a direct summand of a free module.
(mathematics) A specific type of operad
(linear algebra) The maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows) of a matrix.
(mathematics) A geometric representation of the real number system.
(mathematics, linear algebra) Initialism of row echelon form. [(linear algebra) The stepped appearance of a matrix that has undergone Gaussian elimination with the result that the leading coefficient or pivot (that is, the first nonzero number from the left) of a nonzero row is to the right of the pivot of the row above it.]
(linear algebra) A relation between two matrices of the same size, such that every row of one matrix is a linear combination of the rows of the other matrix, and vice versa. It is an equivalence relation.
(mathematics) A certain approximation theorem in complex analysis.
(linear algebra, of transformation) Having the property that the matrix of coefficients of the new variables has a determinant equal to zero.
(linear algebra, group theory) For given n, the group of n×n unitary matrices with complex elements and determinant equal to one.
(mathematics) a theorem providing conditions under which an operator or matrix can be diagonalized
(abstract algebra, algebraic geometry) The set, denoted Spec(R), of all prime ideals of a given ring R, commonly augmented with a Zariski topology and considered as a topological space.
(algebra, of a short exact sequence) Having the middle group equal to the direct product of the others.
(mathematics) A group such that every injective cellular automaton with the group elements as its cells is also surjective.
(rare) Synonym of Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem
(mathematics) A determinant that is related to the linear independence of a set of solutions of a linear differential equation.
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