Concept cluster: Math and astronomy > Abstract algebra (3)
(mathematics) Any algebra in which multiplication (or its equivalent) is commutative.
(harmonic analysis, representation theory, topology) A branch of harmonic analysis dealing with generalised Fourier transforms that act on functions defined on Hausdorff locally compact topological groups.
(algebra, of a module) in which any descending chain of submodules eventually starts repeating.
(mathematics) A group constructed from two subgroups by generalization of the direct and semidirect products.
(mathematics) A representation of a Clifford algebra.
(mathematics, linear algebra, of a matrix) The signed determinant of the submatrix produced by removing the row and column containing a specified element; primarily used in the recursive definition and calculation of the determinant of a matrix.
(combinatorics) An element in a matroid that belongs to no circuit or (equivalently) belongs to every basis.
(mathematics) A theorem in operator theory, stating that, if T is a contraction on a Hilbert space H, and U is its minimal unitary dilation acting on some Hilbert space K, and R is an operator on H commuting with T, then there is an operator S on K commuting with U such that RTⁿ=P_HSUⁿ|_H;∀n≥0, and ‖S‖=‖R‖. In other words, an operator from the commutant of T can be "lifted" to an operator in the commutant of the unitary dilation of T.
(algebra) Any algebra (mathematical structure) in which the multiplication operation is commutative.
The supremum, over all elements of a given group's derived subgroup, of their commutator lengths.
(mathematics) The branch of mathematics that studies holomorphic functions.
A set of formal languages with certain desirable closure properties, in particular those of the regular languages, the context-free languages and the recursively enumerable languages.
(algebra) A subset of a group which is an equivalence class in the quotient set of the group divided by conjugation as equivalence relation.
(mathematics) A mapping sending x to gxg⁻¹, where g and x are elements of a group; inner automorphism
(mathematics) One of a set of composed operads
(mathematics) The colimit of two (or more) objects, without regard to any morphisms between them.
(mathematics, braid theory) A left-invariant total order on the braid group.
The subgroup of a specified group generated by the larger group's commutators.
(algebra) A lattice in which the "meet" and the "join" operations are distributive with respect to each other.
(mathematics) A method of computing the determinants of a square matrix by constructing a series of sequentially smaller matrices.
(mathematics) One of the entries of a matrix.
(algebra, Galois theory) A subfield of a given field which contains all of the fixed points that are common to all of the automorphisms of some subgroup of the automorphism group of that given field.
(mathematics) Used attributively to attribute a concept to the work of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius or more directly to associate it with the Frobenius endomorphism (commutative algebra, field theory) or Frobenius morphism (category theory).
(algebra, Galois theory) An algebraic extension that is both a normal and a separable extension; equivalently, an algebraic extension E/F such that the fixed field of its automorphism group (Galois group) Aut(E/F) is the base field F.
(linear algebra) A method of reducing an augmented matrix to row echelon form.
(mathematics) An equivalence class that includes a specified function defined in an open neighborhood.
the d-dimensional Hausdorff content of S is defined by C_Hᵈ(S):= lim _(sup ᵢr_i→0) inf Bigl ∑ᵢr_iᵈ:thereisacoverofSbyballswithradiir_i>0 Bigr.
(mathematical analysis) In the abstract metric space of all compact subsets of ℝⁿ, given a pair of compact sets A and B, the Hausdorff metric is h(A,B)= mbox max𝜌(A,B),𝜌(B,A) where 𝜌(A,B)= sup _(a∈A) inf _(b∈B),d(a,b), where d is the Euclidean metric in ℝⁿ.
(mathematics) The formal group ring of a formal group law.
(mathematics) An ideal of a semihypergroup.
(mathematics) A nonempty set R that supports hyperaddition as an abelian hypergroup with neutral element 0, multiplication as a monoid with identity element one, supports the distributive law, and for which multiplication by zero always yields the result 0.
(mathematics) The subset of a codomain comprising those elements that are images of something.
(mathematics) The theorem that any closed, orientable, connected 3-manifold may be obtained by performing Dehn surgery on a framed link in the 3-sphere with ±1 surgery coefficients, and that each component of the link can be assumed to be unknotted.
(algebra) A matrix ring over a commutative ring.
(algebra, ring theory) An abelian group equipped with the operation of multiplication by an element of a ring (or another of certain algebraic objects), representing a generalisation of the concept of vector space with scalar multiplication.
(mathematics) A certain type of left-invariant metric on a nilpotent Lie group.
(mathematics) A supergroup.
(algebra, field theory, of a finite field) An element that generates the multiplicative group of a given Galois field (finite field).
(linear algebra) Multiplication of a vector by a scalar (which belongs to the vector space's field of scalars).
(mathematics) Describing a generalization of a semisimple ring
(mathematics) Synonym of hyperparameter
(algebra, of a group action) Such that, for any two elements of the acted-upon set, some group element maps the first to the second.
(mathematics) A quotient of the direct product of a family of structures
(mathematics, of a category) in which each object has only a set of pairwise nonisomorphic subobjects
(group theory) A group element, expressed as a product of group elements.
A generalization of the zero vector to tensor space.

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